Well the weekend is finally here! And mom has Monday off too! Woot! Speaking of wOot!, the beautiful, talented, Ruby has given me an award!!!!

I feel so honored! Thank you Wonder Rubes!! You know you make my day!
I would like to pass the award on to my pal Frasier !! If you haven't checked out his bloggy yet, it is really cool.
The rules are you must list 7 weird things about you. BUT, there are so many weird facts about me I had a hard time narrowing it down to just seven.
The first one is REALLY weird. Very un-dog like:
1. I DO NOT like to cuddle!! If someone tries to pick me up like they are gonna cuddle with me, I bark and growl at them! The other day I actually bit my dad when I thought he was gonna cuddle with me. If I am really tired I may lay my head on mom's lap, but that's all she wrote.
2.I am a really big BT! I weigh 30 pounds (Every bit of it muscle)
3.Sometimes mom comes home from work and finds strange things coming outta my butt: her hair, pieces of plastic I shouldn't have been chewing on, etc,. etc.
4. My ex-girlfriend broke my heart. Lola, the boxer(??) mix next door moved and didn't say goodbye or even tell me she was moving! That's ok, I have my sights on someWONDER else!
5. I will whine like a little girly if I'm locked up in my kennel for more than 5 minutes.
6.My full name (Mack Thunder Beans)is a combination of three names my owners wanted me to have:
Thunder is what my first owner named me.
Beans is what my mom wanted to name me, but dad didn't see me as a Beans.
Mack, well everybody liked Mack cause I am big & strong like a Mack truck!
7.I am a rare gentleman -
When my sisters are still eating and I have woofed down my brekky (meal) I do not demand they give me their food.
Well, it is raining down here in Texas & I hate having to go outside to do my business. Here is a picture of poor old pitiful me looking so wretched (I am hoping mom will feel sorry for me):
Heehee, it works everytime!!
You must be south of us since it isn't raining in our part of Texas. Mom better turn the weather channel on and see if it is coming our way. We wouldn't want to miss our time at the lake!!
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Aww Mack! You look so cold and sad sitting outside in the rain! Poor thing! We were surprised that you dont like cuddles! We are cuddle monsters! Congrats on the award! You deserve it!
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
Mack cuddling is the best thing ever. I am an 80 lb lap dog. Maybe one day you will know the joy. We think Mack is a much better name then Beans or thunder but together they great.
You look so sad and pitiful in that picture.
I bet you don't spend too much time in your kennel! So that's how to do it! Thanks for the tip, Mack!
Yer friend,
You don't like to cuddle???!!! Oh my gosh! If I don't get my daily dose of cuddles I freak out!
Mack-Attack! I saw your little comment on Petra's blog about how I must be "living right" to be 25 pounds... but YOU!!! You're 30!!! Lucky dog. I used to be 30, before the little naked Chinese man came to live with us and I had to run after him and chase him around all day to protect my turf....
Hi, Mack!
Congratulations on your award!
So sorry to hear about your ex-girlfriend! Some Wonder else?? I guess I know!
My mom says that she knows about strange things coming out of my butt too!
Have a good night
Oh Mack
I would let you in wight away!! You look too sad out thewe..I don't like the wain eithew, and that's all we've gotten instead of snow this wintew...yuck!
Mommi says thank you so much fow the sugaws..she weally appweciates it
Would you let me cuddle you?
smoochie kisses
Congrats on the award!
Aaw...the poor girl broke your heart huh? I used to have a good buddy living down the road that moved away without telling me or saying goodbye. I was so sad too.
That's a sad look you had there.
Yup we got the ugly wet rain too! Your look did it fur us... we'd let you in if we were there!
we love allyou weird things we even got some in common! besides TX of course
Love Licks & waggin TX tails
Hey, MackMan!
I am lovin' your full name. Don't know if you realize this, but my sissy's full name is Stella Bean Latifah. (What is it with hoomans and beans?)
I see that you have your sights set on my Ruby Bug. It's understandable... you're a dog of refined and exquisite taste in pupgirls. I could warn you off, but that is not my style. I love her, she loves me, but she's free to love anypup she fancies!
Thanks for the weird factoids.
Goober love and competitive smooches,
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