Macks Mom here: Mack, love, I was referring to Paris getting a cocker cut, because she is a COCKER SPANIEL!!! Jeeeesh
Thanks Sweet Pea!! You totally Rock!
Our mom and dad's friend, Jim, came over for Christmas dinner and brought us this:
Our dad gave us this:
And this is really odd -----
Do you see Lilly in the back of this picture? My suspicions are now confirmed - she is some type of extra-terrestrial being 'cause she can FLY!
Do you see her skinny little feet beside my ears?? If that's not proof enough, check this out:
I am outta here! Time to take my top of the sofa, pre-bed time nap!
Thank you for all the wonderful comments, cards, e-cards and well wishes for my birthday yesterday and my first blogaversary (which is today!)
If you haven't seen Miss Ruby's (hopefully Mrs. Beans someday) post, please go see it - it is all about ME! Thank you my Rubykins and also for the deeeeelishus Dogster birthday cake. I am a lucky guy!
Mom's stupid computer is down at the house so she couldn't post the pic she wanted - but I asked her to (PLEASE) put something up about my barkday cause I think everybody should take the day off from work, housework or whatever to CELEBRATE !!
(Birthday pics to follow...........)
Our dad is on a business trip and will be gone TWO WEEKS! Dad - if you are reading this - we miss you!!! And yes, of course, we are being good!
The first thing I saw was this oh-so-handsome photo. I had to lick it all over!
Lilly was all like "OMD, he is one hot tamale!"
Do you see my charm? It is the EIFFEL TOWER! in PARIS!Stani is just the best shopper ever!
And look at these stuffies: (The card says I can share the BULLY STICKS!) (But I'm not)
Stani think's I am his yellow rose of Texas!
And look at this!! This is my own personal cell phone. Stani had already programmed his number in there. Here I am calling him to thank him for the wonderful goodies!
I am having the bestest birthday thanks to the bestest cocker boy in all the world!
And it even smells like Stanislaw too! I just know she will love it.
And again I feel the need to apologize for my secretary/mom... she is not keeping up with my blog like she should, or visiting all my friendzees blogs. Shape up mom!
Here is the origin of the award:
This lovely award is created by Crystal @ Memoirs of a Mommy in honor of Noah and the donor of his sweet little heart who ENCOURAGES us to SHARE THE LOVE! The rules for this award are to pass it along to some people whose blogs you love. They make you laugh, smile, leave encouraging comments on your blog. You would like to share some love with them because they have uplifted, inspired, encouraged or prayed for you. Please include this paragraph with the link to Memoirs of a Mommy so that everyone knows where this award originated from.
Thanks so much prettiness!
Forgive me if you have already received this award, but I would like to pass it on to:
Now we will turn from loving to fighting. Here is what I have to put up with on a daily basis. Listen to that grunting: