Ok, Ok down to business. Bubba is in trouble hahahahahahaha. He loves to look out the living room blinds at the kitty that stays outside. Welllllll you know his head is so big and all, everytime he pushes the blinds outta the way to see the bad old kitty, he creases the mini blinds. Mom is partly to blame cause she always forgets to leave the blinds open. Now we gotta get new mini blinds! That boy is a MESS!
He is sulking in the kitchen right now. I kinda think the whole doodoo deal is funny!
Here I am telling him that mom loves me best.:
Mom wanted me to tell you about something she saw at the sexxxxxxxxy boxer boy, Kaiser's bloggy.

(Actually she stole their idea)

That heart is just for Kaiser!!!!
Anyhowl, hope everybody has a super Friday. See ya later!
Hi Miss Paris!!!
Nice to see you. Oh my poor Mackey...he shouldn't be in trouble for the blind thing. It really IS your Mom's fault --- tsk tsk tsk!!!
OK, so I'm really looking forward to Valentine's day this year because a have two handsome boys who like me...W00t! I'm so lucky!!!
Hey, I' would love to exchange Valentine's cards!!! I'll send you pups my snail mail addy!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Aaw...Paris sure looks a bit sad there. Cheer up Paris, it's your Mom's fault.
hi miss paris!! glad to meet you and for all the compliments! wow, you are a pretty thing yourself!
i'm really excited for the valentine's exhange thingie..especially cuz i didn't get to pawticipate in the christmas one (b/c i was little and new).
tell mack i said hope he gets out of trouble soon!
Hello miss paris,
We are going to email you and Mack. Oh and mom had to go out and get curtains because Peanut totally ruined our mini blinds. Broke them right up. Hope to see more of you.
Paris, you are such a cutie. You remind motch of Sadie, her cocker who lived at our house before I came.
Too bad for you, Mack. Naughty, naughty, naughty... I hope you'll be forgiven by valentine's day!!
We love that last picture !!!
The eyes tell a tale
Poor guy getting in trouble because of mom well that just isn't right!!
You need to talk to her. He is just little he doesn't understand...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
thanks fow saying I'm a cute cheewleadew..Mommi says I'm only allowed to send e-cawds this time, cause she has no time ow money wight now,heheh..I still want to send you a valentime though..my pee mail is astawire@gmail.com if you want to send me one..
I hope Mom wemembews to move the blinds next time..I think it's hew fault
smoochie kisses
Poor Paris! We feel bad that she's in trouble and it's not totally her fault! You gotta help her out, Mack! She's your sissy!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Well hi there miss Paris Raines! I hope my mouf heals soon so I can come over and let yous guys give me lotsa kisses!
Belly rubs,
Cousin Katie
Hi, Paris!
Don't be mean with Mack. It was not his fault!
I know your mom loves you two the same!
Have a great weekend
Hey paris and mack!!
Love all the pictures!!
Even though we just met i think i might join the valentines card exchange, if thats o.k :p
Ill pee.mail you my adress!
Lots of love
Hi there Paris
Please to see you get a chance to blog, there's hardly any spaniels in DWB and I'm particularly fond of spaniels, as my last boy was a Springer.
Mack sure does get him-self in trouble - poor lad.
Since I've only ever rec'd one Valentine card in ? years - how sad is that, I'd love to exchange.
Will email.
Pats & pets to all
Definitely not Mack's fault about the blinds - I pawsonally blame the cat!!!
Hi there Paris! Oh, poor Mack. Totally not his fault! Partially your Mom's & partially the kitty's fault for being there in the 1st place...Has your mom forgiven him yet?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi Paris! Nice to meet you! Dont worry about the blinds, once they are fitted, your mummy will forget that they were ever broken in the first place! Does the Valentine exchange enclude the UK?
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
Hi Paris
I hope your mum isn't too mad with Mack. We do much worse than this. Mack has such a bootiful face I don't know how your mum could possibly get cross with him.
Thank you for your kind comments on my blog too, Mack. I think mum is just plain tired at the moment and this is when things can get her down. Blogger is driving her nuts too.
Love from Hammer
Hi Paris Rain! yup puurdy face fur sure. We think Mack that it's a set up that dang cat... get 'em!
uh ~ you didn't hear that from us K?
Love Licks & waggin TX tails
Hey Paris, I definitely think it was the cat who did it! Yeah, blame the cat;)
Turbo Taj
hallo paris...this was the 1st time i read u blogging here...
ur valentine card exchange sounds fun....
Aha ha ha ha!!! Naughty Macky! Use this to your advantage, Ms. Paris Rain, and soak up all the extra love and attention that WON'T be headed his way for a while! :-)
Haa I love that last photo of you doggies.
~ Girl girl
Oh Paris, of all the dogs with blogs, you definitely have the prettiest face! =)
Hey, My brother's nickname is Bubba and he gets in trouble all the time.
Paris, you are officially in the Diva Dogs club!
Hey Mack, I love the names you've given me. Petra Pot Pie, Petra 3P
oh yes, you have a very pretty face.
Tell Mack I have ruined one set of full length living room blinds when I was younger!
It is an occupational hazard I guess.
love and licks, your new friend, Marvin xxxxx
Poor Mack! You should take back that mommy loves you better thing!
Hi Mack,
I hope you got out of trouble !
Yes I am a gentle soul accept when that Louie tries to steal my toys from me.. I have to get on to him about that kind of stuff... That is what Big Brothers do...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Thanks Mack!! I'm glad you think I should be on a calendar!
And I told mommy you are hoping that we win some money! She said she loves you! (:
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