My other new friend, Petra Pie tagged me for the five questions game. So here goes:
1.. If you could be any animal, which would you be?
Wow, that's a tough one. Probably a Boston Terrier that lives at 909 Wimberly Street.2. What's your favorite song?
"Who let the Dogs OUT?" 'cause my favoritest thing to do escape from the garage!
3. Where in the world would you like to live?
Again, I have it pretty easy on 909 Wimberly, so I am gonna say that.
4. If you could be any star who would you be?
Prolly Brad Pitt, cause he's handsome like me
5. Who should you be the spokeperson for?
Hmmm. Tough one. There's so many. I guess I'm gonna have to pick LazyBoy, cause at the rate I'm goin' it's gonna be a new sofa every year at my house.
Thanks Petra!
I would like to tag another new friend, Opy to play!Also I have some news to report..
Paris has ear critters!Yes that's right she has a stinky, yucky yeast infection in her ears, She had to go to the vet and gets some meds so she can get all better. Can you see the critters that live in Paris' ears:
This was taken right after a dose of her meds:
Well, I'm pooped, It's been a long week. Think I'll take another nap on mom's clean towels:
Make that formerly clean towels
Yay, thank you for commenting on our blog. You are beany too! Hooray for us Beanz. I see you have a Heinz tin on your blog. That is what I am named after.
love from
Hi Mack
Sorry to hear that Paris has yucky ears. My brudder, Hobson has sensitive ears and mum has to check them all the time.
I like sleeping on mum's clean washing too, anywhere nice and comfy inside the house.
I love your Texas Find Beau Now banner. Thanks mate !!!
Love from Hammer
Hi Mack
I forgot to say I think you're very handsome too. Afterall you've been in the movies and you're an awesome looking A04 Trooper.
Hope you're enjoying your weekend.
Love from Hammer
Poor Paris and her angry ears. that's too bad. I sure hope she feels better soon. Oh and I love clean towels too...especially if they are warm!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Poor paris. I hope her ears get happy soon. You are cute on the clean laundry.
Ooh, ear critters. Ozzie has some of those, they really smell. Come to think about it, ears aren't for smelling, they are for hearing so what's up with that?
P.S. Clean, fresh laundry makes the most luxurious naptime bed doesn't it?
Hi, Mack!
I hope Paris feels better soon! Those things in the ears are not fun!
Sure you chose a good place for a nap!
Have a good night
Poor Paris! We hope her ear meds work super fast for her!
Mom is too efficient with the laundry! We never get the chance to lay on warm towels! Bummer!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Mack, that's a fun game! Poor Paris girl... My sista Faith often gets ear infections too thanks to mommy for not cleaning our ears often! I hope those ear medications will work...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Poor Paris, hope her ear infection clears up quickly.
And, congrats on your 1st award.
Pats & pets to all
Aww Mack! Thank you so much for the lovely award! You definatly deserve yours and we are so pleased to be your best friends! :D
Poor Paris with her ear wigglys! We hope she gets better soon!
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
Congratulations on your award. That Clover is a sweet puglet girl.
Bummer about the ear critters. Tell your sissy I'm sending healing goober smooches her way. Hope the critters move out SOON!
That last photo is one reason why my girl folds all her warm laundry in the laundry room and not in the living room.
Goober love,
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