Saturday, March 28, 2009

Rated R

Okay I'll give it to you straight - Paris is now 100% naked! Just look at this:

And while she was getting nakefied I was doing this:

Do you recognize that little cutie? (Not me - the other cutie)

That's none other than Mona! We went to Paws in the Park in a nearby city and it was pawsome! It was a benefit for the city's dog shelters. But we went especially to visit our little blogging weinerschnitzel friend and her momma. Wow she was such a sweet girl. And you'll never believe this - but I actually behaved! (For the most part). I even gave Mona's Mommy some sugars! Mom couldn't believe it!

It was super windy so we didn't stay long.

The above pic is me getting cold. I was sitting with the DROH both and actually was kinda nice to the daschies! Well at least I didn't bite any of them!

Mona was an angel the whole time. While I wouldn't pose very good for Mona's mommy, Mona was all about getting her pic taken:

Here's me right before I took a long nap in the front seat on the way home.

And where was Tia Lilly you may ask?

She was at home babysitting Juanita. In that pic she is yelling at her (she's our cockatoo) about getting her bird seed all over the floor. But then right after that she ate every piece that was dropped!

She's got that whole "I am totally innocent" look down pat!

So how is your weekend going?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Need to ooooh and awwwww?

Well here's just the pic for you then!! Mom found this picture of her Rottie, Bella when she was just a "tiny" baby:

Mom sure does miss her!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

We're Bad! Here's Proof

Finally the weather here in Texas feels like Spring. So that can only mean one thing - It's Walkie Weather again! Mom's says we need some lessons in walkie etiquette:

Do you hear me whining? That's cause there's a really cool sewer drain just up ahead and mom won't take me there fast enough!

The dog barking is Rocky, the neighbors humongous German Shepherd. I think he's just jealous!

I think we did pretty dang good for two doggies who haven't had a walkies in forever.....
In this next video, Dad is shouting at Paris. Heeheee

When I get tired I always turn around and look for my mom, cause I want her to pick me up!

Tia Lilly doesn't get to go with us cause she just likes to walk around the front yard. Mom always takes her last for her walkie, cause she can't keep up with the big dogs.

Hope everbody gets a feel of Spring pretty soon. Today it's suppose to rain cats and cats. Dang it!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Just hanging Out....being Preshus

Nothing new happening around here. It's boring as all get out. Next Saturday we have been invited to this:
thanks Mona & Mommy. We can't wait to see you!
Until then, boring as usual!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I've been busy....

...and having so much fun!

See, mom can't blame a face like this:

thank dogness!

Meanwhile, my mom has been spending way too much time with this:

And not this:

Anyhoo, Cousin Katie sent us a YouTube video which I think has BaeBae in it. The skinny Boston Terrier is not me, BTW:

See ya later. I think I hear the DinDin bell!