Okay now I get it. I think when mom says I am fulla beans she means I can be a real toot sometimes. My mom says all kinds of weird things, like "Thank goodness for badness or there would be no Mack"...she's just weird.
Also she has some realllly weird nicknames for me, one is Boston Baked Butt; one is Macky-Poo, and I better stop there. Does anybody out there have some weird, far-out nicknames?
Anyhoo, I must share with you a passion of mine. Maybe it can be called an obession. It is the R.L.B. or red light bug. I live for it. My mom calls it a "laser pen"; I'm not sure what that means, but alls I know is it is a small red bug that I can never seem to catch!
Here she is:
Here's me trying to get it out of mom's hand. It just sort of disappears.
(Mom says please forgive her feet)
I think Lilly thinks it's a treat and wants some.
Here is another toy that totally rocks:
It's a really hard plastic bottle that unscrews at one end. Mom puts itty bitty treats in there and as I nudge it with my nose, the rope wiggles around and the treats fall out. Mom says she highly recomends it for heavy-duty chewers. And I am heavy-duty in every sense of the word.
Do you guys have any toys you're passionate about??
Before I go I wanna show you a picture Gwamma sent to my mom:
Mom calls it "Cup O Bostons":
I don't think I was ever that wittle.............
Where did you get that toy? Mom wants one for me. We have a red bug at our house also.
Awwww! Mack! I want a Cup O' Bostons...
~Cousin' Katie
Hi, Mack!
There is a light like that here and I can't never catch it!
That bottle looks great!
thanks for sharingthat lovely picture! They are soooo little!
Kisses and hugs
Mama wants to know if you've ever never heard of something before, then someone says something about it and then all of a sudden you see and hear about it all over the place? That's what's up with the laser pen. Her co-worker was just goin' on about it the other day, and now here it is on your blog!
Personally, if it can't hold treats, I don't want it!
Well, you certainly have fun playing!
And the cup of bostons is so cute!
Pats & pets
The cup o bostons is so cute......
~ Girl girl
We've seen that purple jug toy before but we don't own it - yet! We're going to ask mom if we can have one too! You sure have some funny nicknames, Mack!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
That toy is sooo cool! Looks like a drinking bottle... That picture of little Bostons in the cup is soooo adorable!
Pee/s: I've finally added you to my links. Will visit your place often!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hey Mackypoo! You ahve great toys! Mummy tried to get us to play with toys, but Daisy doesnt really understand, and i will play with them, if someone wiggles them around for me!
We dont really have nicknames, we will listen out and see if mummy calls us anything funny, k?
OO OO Pee ess, we LOVE the cup o Bostons! So cute!
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
We don't have a red bug, but mommy uses something called a flashlight. I get very upset when I can't get it but still love trying.
Hi, Karen here: that toy looks great, I think I saw it on Archie and Agatha's page. Balboa loves to chew, but I'm afraid he just go for the rope instead. Are the treats too challenging to get?
Balboa & mommy
I forgot to say that I love the nickname Boston Baked butt, my mommy calls me Pooty Boy, Bubala, daddy calls me his little guy or stinky.
Frenchie Snorts
Hey, Mack!
Your mama has some pretty good nicknames for you. I love the Boston Baked Butt one. As for me, I mostly get Goober BOy, StanMan, or some derivative of the goober concept.
THat toy is cool. I'm kind of obsessed with my stuffies. I have 3 giant ones I usually drag around the house with me (Fernando my giant frog, a giant pink Piglet from Winnie the Pooh, and then giant Pooh Bear). They're all in the shop to be repaired right now, so I just drag my sissy, STella around sometimes.
That cup o Bostons is very cute.
Goober love,
Your mom sure knows how to take care of you; what great toys!
Motch says she's never seen a cuter picture than the boston pups in a cup!
We need to find one of those for Louie he is a BIG chewer. He chews on everything...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Mack you gots some cool toys! Do you think the cup O bostons is like boston beans? We figured the wittle one sticking the paw in the other mouth we you fur sure but guess wes was wrong
Love licks & waggin TX tails
That is a cool toy Mack. Looks like it would keep you busy for a long time. Our mom loved the picture of the little Bostons. She has names for us too. She calls us Boston Butts and Boston Baked Beans and Boston Boyz. She has other silly nicknames for us too. We think she's a little goofy sometimes!
Ozzie & Rocky
The bucket full of puppies is TOO cute!
Tha wed light would dwive me cwazy!! but it looks like a good game..and the bottle might be just the thing fow me..boy do I kbbnow how to chew,hehehe
I would like to go to a coffee shop and say "I'll have a cup of ostons pleez" and get sewved those dawling kids
smoochie kisses
We have tug jugs too but don't really play with them. Mom said she's going to donate them to the dogs at the HS. I love my wubba! It's the greatest toy evah and actually just posted pics of me with it at my blog. Love, Martha
Hi Mack!
Those look like really fun toys! The toy I am most passionate about right now is my hide-a-squirrel. It is SO much fun!!
Love Clover xo
P.S. I left an award for you on my blog!
Mom says I'm full of beans too, but not when I'm tooting. She says that when I'm full of too much energy. When I'm tooting, she calls me tooters. Otherwise, she calls me Chicken, Tweety, or Twinkie. I really don't like Twinkie. Isn't that what you call someone whose kind of daft?
Hey Mack!
So sorry I've been gone...as you know, I've been being neglected these days so I have to sneak on the computer. Anyhowl...I'm back.
Boston Baked Butt - BOL that is pawsome. Oh and I have a little red bug too...just haven't seen it around lately...maybe it's the weather...you know all the rain and stuff.
I like the cup o bostons...especially the one baby shoving it's paw in the others mouth!!! So funny!
Lots of Licks my honey...ruby
We're not sure what you actually call Louie's coat color, red merle probably is right. It is kind of red hair with a frost to it....
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Hi Mack
I LOVE your treat bottle. I'm real ruff with my toys too and I like the idea of treats inside too. My mum has me on a diet at the moment coz I love my food.
That laser light looks a little tricky. I don't think I'd be able to catch it either.
The only time I would've been as small as one of the 'Cup O Bostons' is when I was a day or so old. They're mighty cute.
Love from Hammer
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