That's better than my last movie, The Da Macki Code, which made -$14 when the two movie patrons who saw it demanded their money back.
Needless to say I am no longer acting in films. My newest project in life is this:

Yes, I am now an honorary member of the AO4! Why?? To help find Beau of course!
I got the call last week from Supreme Commander Stormy
to ask if I would help out. How could I say no to such a worthy cause??? I was happy to do it.
Over and out!
Oh Mackey - how I love a dog in uniform!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hey you match our dad. how cool is that?
Hi Mack
Good on you mate for joining Stormy's mission. He's tough but he has to be, though I wonder how he is going to cope when the girls play up coz some of them look so cute in their pink helmets.
We have a much harder time coz we're blokes.
You look so cool in your A04 Trooper gear. This mission will not fail.
Thank you very much for caring about Beau.
Love from Hammer
PS I'm on duty 24/7 coz I'm inexperienced and I have to learn fast. Stormy is pawing forward advice to me all the time.
Wow yo awe vewy impwessive in youw unifowm, if I wewe a bad guy I'd give up wight away!! I'm sowwy I missed youw movie I bet you wewe gweat!! You make a wondewful hewo
good luck on ouw mission!
smoochie kisses
pee ess thank you fow saying my beawd is feminine
Hi, Mack!
OMD! Yoy look great in that uniform! And so ready for this mission!
We all want Beau to come home soon!
Have a great weekend
We wouldn't want to mess with you, Mack! Carry on!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
OMD Mack! You look great in your scary uniform! We hope you are having fun!
Love Weeny and DAisy xx xx
Aww Mack, dont worry, we think straight tails are very cute too! PLUS It doesnt get caught in things like ours do!
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
Mack, you look sooo cool in your army uniform!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Sorry your movie career was so short but now you have a great cause.. Keep up the good work..
Big Sloppy kisses
Gus and Louie
You're making all the ladies swoon. Good job, dude!
Mack! You are GOOD to GO!
Thanks for teaming up with us; we cannot fail!
Tail wags,
EveryDog is on the job! Good to know you're part of the team, man.
Goob love,
thank you fow liking Mommi's stowy..I'm not welated to Vieli..only thwough a love line...she opened mommi's heawt to doggies
smoochie kisses
Thanks Mack! Mummy loves that picture of Weeny too! Hope you all had a great weekend
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
Woh you sure look very cool in your army uniform! I'm hope we can help Beau get home soon
~ Girl girl
You are one impressive dog, Mack. I stand in awe of you.
The TX troops are growing. you look sharp trooper.
Hey sniff over fur a bloggie treat
Love Licks & waggin TX tails
Thanks Mack.. we hope she will forget about it!! :D
We wish you could come over to play! It would be so fun!
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
You look good in your uniform. Lets find Beau and get him home.
Boy n Baby
I hope with all our help we can bring Beau home.
Great uniform.
Frenchie Snorts
Uhmmmm well we live in the United Kingdom, we looked on a pugapedia and it said that texas is far away :(
But we wanna playyyy!
Love Weeny and Daisy xx
Good Luck on your mission,Mackey Todd
Mack! You are one tuff soldier. Beau is surly to be found with you leading the way!
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