WHEW!!!!! We survived a really close call last night! (But didn't know it until mom and dad came home from supper yesterday, smelling of a GINGER TABBY!) And yes I do mean cat!
Turns out, they went to PetSmart after eating and mom saw, and I quote "the cutest little striped orange guy". (His name was Duncan).
You see last year mom's beloved Siamese, Ming, passed away. And I know I've heard her say that she'll never find another cat as great as Ming. So I haven't been really worried about it. But man, she went on and on about how cute the little sucker was. And what's worse is, mom has a birthday in a couple of weeks.
Well, man was I relieved after I went to bed last night and overheard dad telling mom she could have the kitty if she really wanted it. Mom said no, she would pass on this one. It just wasn't time for another kitty. But then do you know what she said she would REALLY love to have for her birthday???
A female one of THESE: