I got an award!!! My good buds over at Bin Raiders of the lost Bark gave me this best friends award! Thank you Beans & Chips!!
I'd like to pass it on to ALL my great friends at DWB! You guys rock!
Anyhoo, I thought I'd post today about a typical day in the life of....ME! Here's how it goes:
6:00-6:05 - Woof down breakfast
6:05-7:30 - Tease Tia Lilly and/or Juana bird while mom gets ready for work
Maybe do a little blogging...
7:45 Get goodbye treats from mom- usually a hollow bone with a treat stuck in it or a Kong treat with a goodie lodge in so deep it takes me a while to get it out.
8:05-10:00 AB (after breakfast) nap.
10:00 - 11:03 Play with Paris and drag toys out all over the floor
11:04 - 12 Listen to N.P.R. and/or my CD's and/or do yoga
12 - 12:55 - YEAH! Mom's home for lunch!! If the weather's good we may go outside and kick the ball around or blow bubbles.
12:56- Receive one of these treats and try not to let Paris steal it from me:
1:00 - Bark at cat, or try to annoy her in some way
1:25- Smackdown on Paris Rain
2:00 Check out what Lilly's doing. Usually doesn't take long - she's either sawing logs or in Lala land
2:15 - 3:20 Nap and/or meditation and/or read the newspaper:
3:21-3:30 Bark at kids outside ( Note mini-blind damage):
3:31 - 4:00 Have a bird food snackie
4 - 5 Watch Headline News and then cartoons
5:05 - Mom's home! Give sugars, but NO CUDDLING!
5:30 - Eat breakfast again and then go outside and do bidness
5:40 -Help mom cook and hope some food falls on the floor
6:15 - 6:30 Beg for her and daddy's dinner
6:30 - 7:00 Quite time while Mommy watches Entertainment Tonight, and/or I blog
7 -8 Play outside if the weathers okay or go for a walkie
8 - 9 or 10:00 Run around the living room acting like I'm totally hyper while mom tries to watch TV. She may throw a ball for me or we may play RLB:
9:30 - 10:30ish Review web cam activity with mom (this can be the worst part of my day)
10:30 - 6AM Sleep like an angel (May include snoring and tooting) and dream of my Valentine.....
OK, you are making me blush again!!! Congrats on your award!!!!
So that webcam thingy...does that mean that your Mom spies on you while she is at work??? Oh no...I sure hope my Mom doesn't get any ideas about that...if she only knew some of the things I did during the day - it's bad enough there's the occasional Pay-per-view movie on the bill(most recent one was the latest harry potty movie - needed to see what that was all about you know). I sure hope she's not gonna ready this....I will post about my day soon tho...and fill you in.
Oh and I really like that you are into yoga, meditation and NPR!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Congratulations on your award! you deserve it, Mack!
It was great fun, reading about your day, and looking at the pictures!
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
Your day sounds pretty decent to us! We eat breakie at the very same time! Tomorrow we'll be thinking of you eating while we're chowing down at the same time!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You are one busy pup. You mom has a webcam set up to spy on you? YOu need to get up there and chew it up or something
You are one very busy one, Mack! I got tired just reading about all you do each day. I do more sleeping than you do, though.
And yeah, what's up with the web cam?
What a gweat day..you'we vewy busy..I've been mostly chewing my foot..I'm so boowed, and my Mommi is home, but she insists on painting and cleaning and cooking instead of spending all hew time with me...is Ruby youw twue love??
She suwe is a bootiful giwl, I can't blame you one bit..I would disembowl the webcam though..you nevew know what can be used against you
smoochie kisses,Asta
You sure have a very busy day...
~ Girl girl
Hi, Mack!
Do you do all that in a normal day? I got tired just reading about it!
Kisses and hugs
You're sooo busy, we're sleepy just reading it!
I hope Mom doesn't watch us on webcam..it could be scary!!
What a timetable, Mack! Hahaha, I love that picture of you & Paris, slapping each other's faces!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Thank you for sharing your day with us. It may seem normal to you cos it is like your routine but we find it very interesting to know what you do.
We like the smackdown activity you have with Paris. Seems like alot of FUN!
Boy n Baby
You have a very active day. Mom usually gets up at 4:40 AM, takes us outside to potty. We have to then go into our condo's and get a cookie so she can leave those nasty cats in. Then Dad gets up like 5:30 and we get to go out again before he goes off to work. Louie has to go into his condo until Toph gets up and rescues him..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Whoa Mack:
Congrats on AWARD...
Webcam - review of days activity- BUMMER - but the camera does have BLIND spots right ??????
What a great day!!
Thanks for sharing...
What a fun filled day and a very busy one too! Willie just got in trouble for messing the blinds up recently. He was stalking an imaginary lizard in the front flowerbed.
Many Sniffs,
Waylon & Willie
Wow Mack! You do have a busy day!
Ours is alot less action packed. Our Dad works nights and Mom works days! We sleep with her all night and after she gets up and goes to work we sleep with him most of the day. We fit a little physical activity into our evenings, tug of war, bitey face, but mostly we just chill. We are such Wild 'n Crazy Guyz! Ha! Ha!
Wow, Mack !!
You have a much more exciting day than me.
Thank you very much for wishing me a happy Barkday today. Not meaning to be disrespectfool, but I'd slap your mum around the chops with your paws for just giving you yoghurt for your Barkday.
Have a great weekend, mate.
Love from Hammer
You sure do get a lot done in your day! I get the TV remote, the phone, the fridge, all to myself all day while the girls get locked up in their pens, so they can only watch me and be jealous. Mainly I nap, but I love my soaps in the afternoon!
(check my pic on www bedlingtonamerica .com. I'm the poor dog in the slide show on the fireplace hearth with the silly headband. The things I do for Mom!)
i'm alwiz jealous at those who can enjoy breakfast everyday...
oooooh the web cam kinda freaks me out! I so would not like my Jeannie to see what I got up to while she was gone!
But otherwise your day is pretty cool and similar to mine (without the bird though!)
love and licks, Marvin xxxxx
You look like you have a great day. I was videoed once. I don't know if you used to visit us when TJam posted this: http://www.jumpthedog.com/2007/11/stair-gate-closed.html
We love your days.
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