I would like to invite everybody to a party at mi casa, this Wednesday, May 5, for some delicious authentic, homemade Mexican food, margaritas and my famous version of the "Mexican Hat Dance" to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. We will play games, have door prizes and we will auction off Mack to the highest bidder. Only kidding!
We sure hope you can make it!!!
hayhayhay miz lily! ok anok so duz u wantses me tu beez ur ezcort (sunny duz sez that duz meenses ur date) fur that pardee??? i duz so luffs ur cookin. i kin halp u wif it soes u kin haf that ta kill ya stuff wiles u iz in that foods room. uh kichen i fink u duz calls it. ok an ok letses mee noes an i wil borrow a plane frum 1 ov mi frenz!
u iz lukin ferreee purdy miz lily.
ok anok godda goses
Hi Lilly
Thank you for showing us your beautiful flowers. The cinco is a comin!
Benny & Lily
I could get Mack for Kitty my best friend.
Sally Ann
Thanks fur sharing your that n this with us!
Miss Lilly
Those flowewses awe bootiful, but you awe the pwettiest Lilly by faw.
I would love to come to youw pawty. I looove mexican foods and pawgawitas, but i think Wuby might bite youw head off(and i would help hew) if you thought of auctioning dawling mack
smoochie besos
What beautiful flowers you all have...
We will be right over to help celebrate...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
What a beautiful Calla Lily - mom would love to plant those here and see if they would grow. So many pretty flowers you have to show us, Lilly. We bet you ARE Mom's favorite Lilly.
We would love to celebrate Cinco de Mayo with you and Mack. We'll be right over.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hola Lilly!
I can see you have been busy helping your mom with the gardening thing!
The flowers are beautiful!
A 5 de Mayo party?? I want to be there too!
Here is Mexico we don't celebrate it!
Sooo... I am ready for your party!
Kisses and hugs
Do we have to bid money or can we buy him with stuffies?
Your mom's flowers are just gorgeous, Lilly! We don't see too many Calla Lilies so this is a treat!
We'd love to come to your pawty! We'll bring the ice cream!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Spring is definitely here!
You have green fingers and paws over there. We are very excited about any party Lily!! Yay!!
Beanz & entourage
Mexican foodables, huh. Master always refuses to share his tacos with me because he says it would cause most large and room clearing farts. If that doesn't concern you, then I am totally there.
Count me in for the festivities! And I'm especially game if a wee lady cocker mess were to be auctioned! I'm quite the party animal.
Beauuuuutiful flowers!
We wish we could go to your Cinco de Mayo party!
We love your garden. make sure our buddy Mack doesn't help by watering your flowers.
Lots of Licks--
Oak and Swish
Lovely flowers you have there, Lilly. They are very pretty.
Your pawty sounds fun, we hope you all have a great time! :)
miz lilee ok anok. it iz mee agin scooter. i duz not noeses yet if u wanteses mee to beez ur date. but sins u did sez efereebudde cudses comeses to ur howse i haf borrowed a plane frum wun ov mi frenz an wil beez thar. ok anok?
an sunny duz sez she duz wans me to bringeses her tu pardee too.ok anok
BEAUTIFUL, just beautiful......is it you or your mumster that has the green fingers???
i looove parties; is it too late to include moi?????? and yes, we can also auction off my sista Tiffy, woo hoo!
can't wait
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