Food is over here:

Drinks are over here:

Ruby would you like to dance with Senor Mackypoo:??
Glitter Graphics
Me neither.
Do you know the story of Cinco de Mayo? It's when all the pups chased the snakes out of Chihuahua, Mexico. And it happened on 5/5/72 (I think.....)
I hope you have had a great evening!
Make your own Glitter Graphics
Love ya,
Tia Lilly
Sounds like a fun time at your house tonight!
hayhayhay miz lilee. ok anok so go eezee on the ta kill ya this morningses acuz we haf allll day too pardee! sorree i dids stepses on ur toeses! i duz nots no howses to dans soo feree gud. ok an ok u duz haf madd cookinerest skilz!
we duz needses a liddol pinata thingee to brakeses! big ol sunny an thos oferses iz gonna brake that wun firsterest! ok anok
thankses fur the pardee
( i finks we iz the onlee mexicans heer! hahahahahaha viva chihuahuaeses!!)
Ole'. Cha-cha-cha!!!!!! I'm am so there mi amigo!!!!! Vamanos a bailar!!!!!!!
oh yay !!! we're heading ofur there right now!!!! pawty at mack's !!! pawty at mack's!!!!
we can take tequila shots for all the chi's that were brave enough to battle the snakes tee hee
coco can teack lilly to dance the jaripeo.
the pittie pack
Thank you fow this pawty!
It's such a sad time on so many bloggies it's good to celebwate ouw fwiendships.
Lilly, you awe an amazing hostess..I plan to dance all day, even if no boyz ask me..salut!!! and besitos
what time will pawgerritas be served? we're so there!
Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia
Thank you fow letting youw handsomest boyfwiend Scootew dance wif me..he only stepped on my footies a few dozen times..but I was having so much fun I didn't even notice(I just now saw his footie pwints on my shoes, hehehehe)
pass the nachos pleez
smoochie kisses
hayhayhay ok anok!! I iz sorree bowts the steppins on of footseses! did u all seez mee mexicaner hatz dancin??? i wuz purdee gud an no footses wuz thair tu stepses on! ok anok
grate pardee miz lilee, mack an paris! i will halp miz lilee pas owt sum fuds! ooops sorree bowt that spillin. i kin kleenz it ups *pssssst sunny, halp!*
viva los chihuahuaseses!
an thanx fur that dans miz asta!
ok anok
timez to eetz mor!
senior scooterer man
Happy NOOO Snake Day Mack!!!!! Eat lots ok???
Thank you for visiting my blog and for the "get your hearing back" wishes...... I'm doing fine, but I hope my hearing does come back for mum's sake. She's not doing as well as me.
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
So that's where all those snakes in our yard came from - Thunder is very happy with that.
Feliz Cinco de Mayo. Looks like a lot of good food and drinks.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Mack you are ready to party..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Thanks fur the REAL story of Cinkho de Mayo!
NOW, where do I get my drink refreshed?
Now i Know what really happened during Cinco de Mayo.....i thought it was the hoomans that were chased out....bol!
love the pawty and thanks for waiting for me. loved the food and i think i'm a bit high ....must be those tequilas!
chikisses for being a great host
yea, i have to apologise for my no show sista; i think she went swimming in the ocean ( you know those poodles are water dawgs bol!!!)
Thank you for hosting an amazing pawty. I had a blast.
Sally Ann
Hi my friends,
Thanks for all the kind words and thoughts. Wish I could have come to your Cinco de mayo party butMommy saidm no food or drink after midnight.
Then silly woman postded my gift o pictures befoe she did then text so come back when yiu ca,m
Hola Tia Lilly!
I am not so sure your Cinco de Mayo story is the real one... but sure is pawesome!
Thanks for the great party!
Kisses and hugs
I curumba.......we don't have that celebration here. Looks like fun Mack!
Noah x
Crap - did we miss the pawty, Mack? Mom and dad are keeping us too busy supervising at the barn site! We're missing out on all the fun!
We hope your Cinco de Mayo was the bestest ever!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
OMG the party is still going on 7th May!! (a little quieter, and a little more hangovers than if we had got here early!)
hooray for you all
Beanz & Chips
Parties and free stuff… love it!
Have you checked out the Smirnoff India website? It is talking about the Smirnoff Experience parties happening in May! Also, seems they are giving away loads of headphones to anyone! www.smirnoff.co.in
hello mack its dennis the vizsla dog hay sorry i am layt!!! is the buffay stil open??? ok bye
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