Wednesday, April 21, 2010

It's Just Jenny from the Block....

...and her sister Bella. They're our next door heeler neighbors. We love to chase them up and down the fence. (Lilly doesn't like to; just Paris & me).
You can barely see Jenny (the blue heeler) in this video cause she's so fast:

Here's another video of mom being silly and talking baby talk to Bella. Mom says it's a total optical illusion and the shadow is making her look really big. Yeah right mom. Whatever. Anyway, we hope you like the video.

Notice how Bella only has a stub of a tail and Jenny's is all floofy.

Next time we'll have to show you our neighbors on the opposite fence - they're the little yappy dogs you hear in the background.

Do you guys have any canine neighbors?


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What happened to Bella's tail? We love to race up and down with Scout who lives next door - he is a lab mix. But we don't like other dogs to come near our fence:( We have lots of doggy neighbors, some on invisible fence that doesn't always work and some whose owners don't understand that other people's yards are not for their dogs to run around. We have Golden Retrievers all around us and they are mostly very nice.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Ellen Whyte said...

Racing and chasing is FUN! Your mum sounds nice (but a bit soppy!)

We've got three dog neighbours: the Gremlins, and Bushy. They are all little terriers.

Two French Bulldogs said...

What a cool Indy 500...BOL...We love all that chasing
Benny & Lily

Two Pitties in the City said...

That looks so fun, almost like having them in your own yard! We don't have any dog neighbors, but there is a dog way across in a backyard the pooches can see when we're on the deck. They can't interact, but Mr. B tries to bark at him.

Lorenza said...

Sure you have fun with your neighbors!
I know I have canine neighbors around my house because I hear them... but I have never seen them! Hmmm...
Happy Wednesday!
Kisses and hugs

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Maybe woo need to have Gus, Louie, and Callie khome ovFUR!

PeeEssWoo: My mom says that same thing about the shadows and the 'illusion' of her size ;-)

Noah the Airedale said...

We don't have canine neighbours. D says thank goodness cause all hell would break loose lol.

Noah x

Duke said...

We wish we had doggie neighbors that we could run alongside of every day! That looks like fun!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Hi Mack!
Your neighbours are so cute!! We have only met one of our doggie neighbours (Yukon the GIANT puppy) but we know he has a big sister and we can hear some smaller barking dogs up the road a bit... Maybe we will meet them one day!

Rudy said...

Oh yes we have doggy neighbors and they are why Mom and Dennis fenced in our yard... the ones with the psycho Lab were never good with yard boundaries and 'til last year used to let him attack us through our fence while on leash in HIS yard (Mom finally told him to /STOP IT/), and the other side has a pit bull but they always just walk her so actually she's been the better neighbor.
I've met a couple of terrier mixes down the street and they're pretty nice, but mainly I just hear the other dogs in the neighborhood.
YOUR doggie neighbors look really nice! Wish we had some as nice...

Dexter said...

There used to be a really sweet gal but she died. Sigh. Now sometimes our next door neighbor lady babysits for her boss's dog and I love it when she is there. Yuh, I howl and howl wishing she were on my side.

That looks like lots of exciting fence action for yourself.


Asta said...

How cool to have all those fast and fun neighbows.
I don't get to see my neighbows cause i'm in an apawtment. that's why i have to go to the wun evewy day ow go visit fwiends. i do say hi to evey kid in the neighbowhood on my walks, but that's not as cool as dashing awound in youw yawd
smoochie kisses

Lacy said...

w00fs, what has me buddy Sam...he likes to sniffie me and me sniffies him...the doggy behind me is in heat, heehee me wood like to meet her too..

b safe,

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Oh what fun. Bella is so cute. She is a lot bigger than the last time we saw her...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hey Mack,

The Spring Fling was wonderful and Tiger, his Mommish, Daddish and sister Lucky came and we had a great timne. Tiger even got on TV!!
If you go to DROHm website you can click on the link to the video.

Guess what? Tiger's family is moving e exits away from me and I am so excited. Maybe once they get finished movingm we can all try to have a metup.


Stanislaw said...

Hi there my favorite lady cocker dude. Just wanted to give you a heads up that my mom applied for jobs in our old home state. One of them was even in Houston. I've got my paws crossed.