Friday, June 13, 2008

You better watch out B Boy!

Lilliana Fuentes here. I firstly want to thank you all for the wonderful sweet comments left on our blog yesterday in response to Mack's idiotic post about me not having a date for my reunion. Well, excuse me Mr. Blockhead, I have got the most eligible bachelor in town as my date! He is a Mexican hairless who is H O T let me tell you that.

Do I have to remind you I am one hot tamale? Just look at this face:
And have you ever been the centerfold in a magazine (like me)?? I think not.

And by the way your head is SQUARE. Here's the evidence:

And your tail doesn't work like mine.

Yeah mine can wag. And it's not stuck to my butt like yours.

So you B#$#*@! Boston boy you better watch it!!

It's Friday the 13th and I know VOODOO!!!


Lacy said...

w00f's mack, paris and ms lilly...hmmm mack i thinks u better hush, she nos vooodoooo and after all its friday the 13th....

b safe,

pp's i still thinks her a gizmo wood make a pawsome couple!!!

Ruby Bleu said...

Lillie I know I'm supposed to respect my elders, but you best not be speaking smack about my Macky. I can SO take you sista!

Lots of Licks, Rubyw

Poppy said...

Your brother should remember that chihuahuas totally rock!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Whose blog is this anyway????


Charlie Daniels said...

Brothers give tough love to their sisters sometimes! Hey! that's life. I am happy that you have a date for you reunion even if you didn't choose me! ;-)



Asta said...

don't be so hawd on Mack..he's a love and vewy handsome, and was just kidding wif you like all bwuvvews do..I hope you have a gweat time at youw weunion wif youw Mexican haiwless awe definitely a hot tamale..and cewtainly bootiful
smoochie kisses

Amber-Mae said...

Ooooo, she's pissed! Mack, you better say sorry or just lay low for a while yeah? Or maybe give her something like a big lick on the face???

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Lorenza said...

Hi, Lilly!
I want to know about that mexican hairless. Do you think I know him?
Please, tell us more!
Kisses and hugs

Noah the Airedale said...

I think you've been told Mack.
Woo hoo sassy gal, enjoy the reunion.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Simba and Jazzi said...

I think Lilly maybe be a little bit upset. Sleep with one eye open.

Simba x

Moco said...

Watch yourself Mack. That voodoo is strong stuff. She might make your head round and tail long. That would make you one strange looking terrier.

Duke said...

Whoa! We think Miss Lilly might have quite the attitude, Mack! YIKES! If you need a place to stay, you're welcome here!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Puppies said...

Glad to see Lilly got a date!! Marshall said he would have been honored to go with her- as long as they are no pictures (because he hates them!). Hope she didn't do any voodoo on you Mack though- us Bostons have to stick together! xoxo Maggie!

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi Mack,

The mommy can't hardly wait either for July 18th. Lilly sure sounds super mad at you. But I have a great plan!! Why don't you hid out for awhile at my house. Me, You and Jody could hang out all week. I know Jody might like a little male campanionship while he is with us and I promise the Mommy would hug and kiss you all the time she is at home. Wow here's another idea---Paris could come too!!

Love ya Mona & the Mommy too!!

B said...

You should definitely be careful around Lilly but nevermind what she said about a square head, your head is just fine.

Myeo said...

OOOH Lilly giving it back to you, Mack.

Boy n Baby

Snowball said...

Lol. Lily, I am sure Mack's intentio of openly asking for a date for is a good one. That Mexican hairless must be really handsome to be your date.

I know that you are pretty but I think Mack is very handsome too.



Joe Stains said...

holy crap Mack RUN!!!!!!!!!! P.S. Dad calls me blockhead all the time :(

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

That is so sweet. You two bicker just like siblings!! It is ok as long as it is all in the family..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Fenway said...

Hey Mackie!!!

Whee. I saw a most bold Boston Terrier yesterday strutting his stuff in Vineyard Haven. He walked just like he owned the street. Do you do that, too? Is it "breed specific"?

Yes, the morning at the Farm was most pawsome. Ms. Alpha just loves that the kids are really learning to care for the animal and sustain Mother Earth!

Peanut said...

Lily I am glad you have a date. Sometimes brothers are just stupid aren't they?


BrandytheGreat said...

Boy oh boy, mr Mack isn't really that mean, ya know...somebody save him!!!