Sunday, June 1, 2008

What A Saturday!

Yesterday was a first for me!! I had to go to the GROOMERS! Mom told me I have to go with Paris and I was all like "What the...."!

But hey I did great! The groomer told mom I didn't whine or act ugly around the other dogs. We all three got a yogurt/peanut butter frozen treat when we got home for being such great dogs!
Betty Cocker here says she invented the recipe, but no, Mom read about it at Murphy's Blog, in a comment from the Ikester.

(Look at those paws - Why WOULDN'T anybody call her biggy bigfoot?!)

Anyhoo, I was told I needed to go to the groomers to get "expressed". I thought that meant I was gonna do some artwork or some crafty project to show my individuality, but no. Uh uh. Let me just say that's not what it was. The groomer suggested I go every six weeks (that's about how often Paris goes). The guy who was lucky enough to work on my....ahem...glands, said I had a lot of gunk in my trunk...

Another first for me - A doggy door in the house!! When I got back from Pets N Plants look what was waiting for me:


It leads out unto our backyard .It was a snap to learn. Here's some pics the pupparazzi took this morning:

(Looks like Paris takes after her dad in the footy department)

Lilly doesn't like it at all. See her sticking her tongue out at it?

Speaking of Lilly, we got a notice from Dogster that today was Lilly's birthday! I don't think so!

Mom has no idea when Lilly's birthday is. She's not even sure exactly how old she is! When they adopted her 6 years ago the vet said she was 8 - 10 years old. That's all they knew.

So, I would like to ask all my blogging buddies...What day should we celebrate Miss Fuentes' birthday?
Everybody have a great Sunday!!


Ruby Bleu said...

Hey ya handsomeness...

That first picture of handsome!!! Oh, I already said that. But I can't help it. Sorry about the groomers..I heard something about a bath today...I sure hope Mom was referring to herself!!!

I think Lily's barkday should be July 1st. Not sure why, just picked the date!!!

Have a great Sunday!

Lots of Licks, your Ruby

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Ha rooooooooo!

Lots of gunk in your trunk!!


Nice pikhks and khongrats on the door thingie!!!!

Maybe everyday should be her birfday?


Amber-Mae said...

Hey, I have a lot of gunk in my *ahem* too & it hasn't been squeezed like for like more than 10 months now? *snort snort* Oooh, the blondie is bald again.

Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer

Dexter said...

Sorry about the anal probe, little dude. Glad your doggie door is working out for you.


Duke said...

We just love that look of surprise on your face in the first pic when you got told you were going to the groomers! hehehehehe What a bummer that you have to go so often!
Neato about the doggie door! Now you and Paris can drag all kinds of fun surprises inside for your mom to step on early in the morning!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Georgeous said...

Oooh it must be bath season, my people keep talking about putting me in again...yuk..pooh...
I think Betty Cocker has a great technique with the splay foot - might give it ago myself..
Love 'n' Licks

Chef said...

I don't like getting the yuckamungas squeezed out of me either, Macko but you do what you gotta do. Cool door, though.


Tadpole said...

Whoa - you got a personal entrance and exit! You lucky dogs, you! Almost makes up for the nastiness those groomers did to you. Almost, but not quite. I think a few more of those homemade frosty paws might help, though.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
Sure that was a not so funny episode there with the groomers!
I hope you enjoy your doggie door!
July 15th sounds good for Lilly's birthday!
Kisses and hugs

Poppy said...

I can't believe you have your own door! I have to scratch on the sliding door when I want to go out. You are lucky!

I think Lilly's birthday should be whatever time of year it is that lillies bloom. Maybe March or April?


Moco said...

We go every six weeks to Vonnie's. They give us lots of treats. We even showed it in one of our early blogs. We have one of those doors and we love it. We can go in and out whenever we want. Grammie says, "Moco, that is one of the smartest things I have ever bought." Dawson has big feet also. Lily's birthday should be every day.

Noah the Airedale said...

Gunk in your trunk...crikey Mack that sounds horrible matie.
Love the first photo btw. Your eyes look so cute.

What about Lilly's barkday being on her gotcha day??

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Myeo said...

You are too funny, Mack!!! lol

How about putting some dated u have in mind on pieces of paper and see which one Lilly picks.

Boy n Baby

Petra said...

You guys sure have lots of stuff happening at your house. I love that door & wish I had one.

How about the 4th of July for Lilly's birthday?

Southbaygirl said...

Hi mack-is the dog door scary? I don't know if I could go thru it!!! The gunk in your trunk doesn't sound nice-hmm.......I don't think I'd like to find out about that!


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Maybe her Birthday could be everyday and then you could get lots of treats everyday!!!
Have a great day...

Gus and Louie

Peanut said...

I wish we had a dog door. How cool. Mom says Paris's feet do look like dawsons

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

We get to make those expressions at the vet's office sometimes. What fun! We love the look on everybody's faces and the way they complain about the stinch, ha! ha!
Love the doggy door, we are jealous!
Maybe Miss Fuentes could celebrate her bd on July 4th! That's a good day for parties! Fireworks and hotdogs and apple pie! Sounds really good to us!
Ozzie & Rocky

Simba and Jazzi said...

I'm back from kennels and looking forward to catching up with everyones blogs.

Simba x

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Yeah on your new door. It looks very exciting. And Happy Birthday to Lilly. Are you doggies going to help her celebrate?

~ Girl girl

Murphy Dogg said...

Hey Mack,
Welcome to the Gunk in My Trunk club! I actually don't mind when the vet "expresses" my behind. Does that make me weird?

Murphy Dogg

Asta said...

Hi Sweetie Mack
No love in the aiw...Petey loves only tennis balls..he likes me like a bwuvvew(tolewates me and gwowls wif his tail wagging)
I suwe hope someone loves me
smoochie kisses
so when is miss Fuentes' birfday???

WinstonBerry said...

Hi Mack!
What a super cool door for you! It must be so much fun being so much more independent!
As for Miss Lilly, I think that you should celebrate her birthday on the date that she was adopted. You could do a combined birthday/adpotion anniversary celebration!

Winnie :-)

i said...

To the groomers, eh? Finally your door is here! It looks great!

Bella the Boxer said...

Expressed?! Isn't that what you order at the Starbucks counter? I'm confused.

xoxo - Bella

Stanislaw said...

That door looks crazy awesome and so convenient for those emergency frog hunting times. Dad said I can't have one. Something about living in an "apartment."

You're looking lovely and all aerodynamic, Miss Paris!

wally said...

My sissy is into expressionism. She had to go once because her glands EXPLODED. So def good to get all of your expression out regularly rather than wait for the EXPLOSION.
