Saturday, June 28, 2008

Stop the CUDDLING!

After all the sad losses this week with our DWB friends, all mom has wanted to do is sit at home and cuddle with us!! And I hate cuddling! (Except of course with my hottie lady- that's divine)

Anyhoo she has been a real house mouse this weekend. She got up real early, went to the grocery store, and after that it's been a Mom, Paris, Lilly, Ming & Mack fest!

Now, don't get me wrong, I really like to be with my mom, but I just don't like to cuddle with people. It's so unnatural! I love giving her sugars, but when she pets on me, it messes up my 'do and stuff.

And of course Lilly loves to be pet and held and Mom is FOREVER saying "Mack, why can't you be more like Lilly?" So then Lilly (predictably) says "See, mom does like me best cause I'm the best, blah, blah, blah."

Paris will tolerate being pet, but she is too squirmy to be held for any length of time, unless she is getting ready to nap, then mom says she is a real cuddle bunny.

Mom has also been taking a lot of pictures lately too. Here's some of the sillier ones:

And here's some pics of the old tree next to our fence - it's where I like to hide when I see mom is starting to get cuddly:

Dang it - I think she sees me - gotta run!


Murphy Dogg said...

Hey Mack,
What's up with Mamas always wanting to cuddle with us guys?? Don't they know we're tough and don't need that crap?
*Murphy's Mama edit*
"Don't buy it, he's a total Mama's Boy and LOVES to cuddle. Feel free to make fun of him."
Murphy Dogg
(and his Mama)

Ruby Bleu said...

I was a little worried when I read the title of your post, my love, because I dream of being able to cuddle-wuddle with you! Whew...what a relief that you feel the same way!!! W00t!!

Oh and just ignore Lillie...seriously she just needs to stop it with you.

And my Mom did exactly the same thing today...well, not exactly the same thing. I've got news my's big, but Mom says we'll post about it next week. Oh and NO thank dogness I'm NOT getting a brother or sister!

Lots of Licks, your Ruby

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Great pictures Mom!
I like the cuddle but that Louie is to busy for it. Mom says he is part cat since he cuddles on his time!!

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You might want to start scheduling more walks and runs with a blue heeler next door. We have a LOT of energy...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Poppy said...

You don't like cuddling? I LOVE it! I'd do it all day if I could.

In answer to your question about my chariot: no, I was not scared of it. I liked it right away for walking and now I like it for rollerblading too!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'm not a khuddler either -

Mom thinks it is somehow related to the folks that had me furst -

I khan be kinda skhittish -

BUT I do love some tummy rubs - of khourse, on MY TERMS!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
I am like you! That cuddle thing is not for me either! I enjoy belly rubs but not too much! I like to be close to my mom but without touching her. If she tries to hug me I run away!
My mom would be happy if I were like Lilly!
Kisses and hugs

Duke said...

I'm with you, Mack! A hug now and then is great and I love it but don't go overboard or I'll growl! Mitch LOVES to be hugged! The longer the better with him!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Charlie Daniels said...

G'day Mack

I heard a rumour that you have a new neighbour ... I bet he is a great dog! :-)



B said...

I love cuddling but I'm maybe to big to snuggle in laps. Maybe.


Urban Smoothie Read said...

tell her, only toddler need cuddling...

wally said...

I like cuddling, especially when it leads to snacks for me. I see you like to play soccer, too. I mostly just head butt the thing.


ps. My ma ape wants all those dogs too. Yeesh! Thank goodness the inn is full.

Bella the Boxer said...

Ugh, don't you hate it when they get all sentimental (with the emphasis on "mental")?

xoxo - Bella

Southbaygirl said...

Hi mack-I love your blue soccer ball! It looks like you take it all over the place!!!


Myeo said...

That happens to me too. I dont like to be cuddle..could be like a guy's thing.

However, Baby loves it...that brat.


Joe Stains said...

I don't like being snuggled, in fact, I hate. Tanner just LOVES it though!

Noah the Airedale said...

Yeah Mack, I totally understand where your coming from. I'm not really into the cuddle thing either. My sissies on the other god what a pack of sookie bubba's they are. Thank goodness I can escape upstairs.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah xx

i said...

Guess guys just don't equate with cuddling, eh? Hehe cute pictures of you there!

Nanette said...

Whew! I am sure glad Stella is all about the cuddling. I don't think I could handle the rejection!

Chef said...

Cuddling is great. And big bearhugs. And facey-kisses... I love it... for the first few seconds. Then I just tolerate it.


Petra said...

Your mom got some great pics of you, Mack! I like the one where you're looking real hard at the blue ball.

I'm like you --- please, no cuddling, or at least not until I'm really, really tired. Then I might jump up on Motch's lap for a little snooze.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Yes she is ours. Hey we saw the exit for Fairview when we were on hwy 380 yesterday. Is that the way to your house??

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Asta said...

Contwawy to what you may think..I
m only a cuddlew when I'm sneepy too..but I am akissy maniac..I just can't help myself...I kiss evewyone all the time..I love thepictoowes of you guys!!!
smoochie kisses

Simba and Jazzi said...

I allow my humans to cuddle me if there is treats involved.

Simba x

Frasier said...

Hi Mack
I know what you mean,Us manly dogs dont like all that.The other day mommy was sucking on a popsickle and daddy thought she was kissing my head!He told her "you need to stop or he may actually run away to get away from all that kissing".It offended her a lot!!!

Dexter said...

Send your mom to my place. I LOVE to cuddle.


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Mom isn't sure why she thought you were from Fairview maybe someone elses blog she noticed. She is kind of ditzy sometimes..
Dad felt sorry for Callie since no one seemed to want her. He has sort of a soft spot for heelers as you may know.. Mom didn't put up much of a fight either..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh.. I hope your do dont get too messed up. I think hoomans like to cuddle

~ Girl girl

Patience-please said...

Mack, Mack, Mack! Just remember one thing:

Cuddling is often accompanied/followed by TREATS!!!

helpful wags from the whippets

Stanislaw said...

I love to snugs, but just like Paris I'm one squirmy boy. My attention span is so short it's almost like

There's a bug!

The Puppies said...

We love cuddling! Tell your mom we would happily sit in for you when you are sick of cuddling!! :)
The Puppies

Clover said...

Hi Mack,
Oh I know what you are talking about - my mom is constantly trying to snuggle me. I only like it when I am sleepy.
Love Clover xo

Hydrocephalus in Pets said...

You know you love it!!!
I get snubbed by some of mine now & again that think they're too cool for a little snuggle time with the lame o' mom.

WinstonBerry said...

Hi Mack!
I don't blame her for wanting to cuddle you, you are soooo hugable!!! (Plus, I have a feeling you kinda like it but don't wanna admit it!)

Winnie :-)