Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I guess I like Paris after all. At least she is good for body heat!

I don't know about Lilly though - she was being unsociable last night:

Nobody really knows about Lilly though!!

Thought for the day: MONDAY'S OVER!!


Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Mack...
That's so cute....I would most certainly snuggle with YOU!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Peanut said...

Well I do that with Flash but that doesn't mean I like him. Only that I'm cold

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Hey Mackie! ya'll are the lucky ones gettin to enjoy the comfy of that big beeuutiful chair! Mommy won't let us on indoor furniture hello mom it is 'fur' niture but she's confused and only lets us on outside stuff.

BTW we use to chew on our beds & Ginger would completely destuff them! but the beds we got in DEC & the new ones we jus got both from Member Mark with cooshy fiber fill made of plastic so either that doesn't tempt us or we jus really love the cooshiness cos now we jus lick them like crazy!

Oh love your new collar and wow Paris sure did put out her sexy pose fur that pic fur Mango and oh you lucky dog, Lola sure did do you right but be nice Lilly loves you so yous should share k?

Love Licks & waggin TX tails out

Petra said...

I'm so glad you're learning to like Paris. She looks like the perfect sister!

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Howdy Mack,

Yes we do go to the dog show. DROH has a booth there every year--acutally we had two last year. Even though the Mommy can't foster anymore, she still volunters doing all kind of things. Maybe we could meet up sometime.

Lovge ya lots & lots...Mona

Dexter said...

Ooooh, Mack, I envy you, all snuggled next to Paris. Think there's room on that couch for me?

Mango Man!

BrandytheGreat said...

Hey MAck, i see some similarity between you and Garfield. IN fact, i think we think alike!

Duke said...

What a sweet picture of you and Paris together! awwwwwwwwwwww

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...


You should know that Lilly is ALWAYS unsociable. :P

P.S. I like your new collar. <3

~Cousin Katie

Ferndoggle said...

Uh Oh Mack! These pics of us being nice to our sisters are ruining our reputations as total bad a$$es!


Moco said...

Sometimes I lay like that with Dawson and sometimes with Edgar. Usually it is on top of Pappy. Poor Lilly. She seems cranky like Clara.

Asta said...

You look so vewy cute in that pictoowe with Paris..I want to come moosh you, hehe

I just Knew the Bush guys wewe not weal, like you..
I'm not a pwofessional hat model at all, but thank you fow the compliment
smoochie kisses,Asta

Petra said...

If you say it was Lilly, Mack, then I believe you.

But whoever it was, he or she sure did one fine job!