Saturday, March 29, 2008

Mack T. Beans, official toy tester

I don't think this poor gal is Boston proof!


Ruby Bleu said...

Mack, a BT after my own heart! You have great technique and you are oh so gentle! But I like that!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Peanut said...

oh I guess it's not boston proof.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Mack...

Mumsie's cryin'...

SHE JUST BOUGHT THAT TOY the dog show...and was sendin' it for a barkday pressie to a doggie (name withheld) with jaws way bigger than yours. hmmm

Maybe it wasn't the best toy...maybe she should give it TO US!!!!!

Thanks, Man!!!!!!!


Lorenza said...

20 seconds for the first leg, 20 seconds for the second one! I wonder what happened to it in the following 20 seconds!
Sure that toy was not Boston proof!
Kisses and hugs

Izzie said...

Goodness, you and I would get along soooo well!

Jan said...

Sort of glad I am higher up on the food chain.

i said...

You sure know your field well, Mack! Guess it's back to the drawing boards again for the toy company hehe.

Duke said...

OOPS! We don't think that toy will be walking anytime soon!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

WOW! The double amputation in less than a minute. You rock!

Murphy Dogg said...

Mack, you are a toy destroyer! Did you kill the big purple bat yet?
Murphy Dogg

Rudy said...

Oh, you should see Rags at my house... he can shred a toy in record time, so Mom limits his toys to the real tough ones if she can find 'em! She's taking me to the Pet Expo that's in town this weekend to see if we can find us some.

BTW, I enjoyed your suggestion of the song for that Whippet agility demonstration! I wonder why my friend didn't think of that...


Urban Smoothie Read said...

so your testing how long the toy can last...

Amber-Mae said...

Oh wow! It sure was effortless for you to rip those poor gal's legs off...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hey Mack,

me gots a legless flamingo too. me thinks you are better din me cause it took me a couple of days to rip "Pinkies" legs off.

I just tagged ya & your Mommy.

Love ya lots & lots...Mona

Asta said...

These toys just awen't up to any of us tewwiews, hehehIt suwe is fun pwoving that though
smoochie kisses

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You sure made short work of that toy.. Gus and I do that with toys too but we like to play tug-a-war with them....

We will certainly tell BL hi for you.

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Beanz said...

The poor thing never stood a chance. Great work!

Anonymous said...


The poor thing never had a chance.

~Cousin Katie

Randi said...

Hey are very very professional with your toy tester status...good thing that toy never made it on the would be recalled in seconds!

love & licks,

Joe Stains said...

That might be a record for leg amputation, good job!

Willie and Waylon said...

Mack - we think you have incredible destruction skills! Great job!!

Chef said...

And I thought I was King El-destructo. You're way faster than me, Mack. Way to go, little guy. Good technique!!


Myeo said...

Is that a parrot / flamingo? Anyway, we wonder whether she is headless now :P

Is your mom pronouncint it dead or sending it for operation?

Boy n Baby

Anonymous said...

That sore was (I said was)a nice toy, use sore did a job on its. I haven't destwoed any of my toys, I is very dainty, hee,hee

Petra said...

What strength and poise you used when you ripped the legs off ---- A+ on that one, Mack!