Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Rest in Peace, My Hero

We are so sad to report this morning that our dear friend Joe Stains has passed away.
We'll see you again Mr. Stains in a much better place.
The blog world will never be the same.


3 doxies said...

Oh no Mack! I am so sorry to hears of Joe Stains passing! I went to his blog when I found out he was sick (through Mango).
Our thoughts are with his family and furiends.


Dexter said...

We sure are going to miss the little dude. He set the bar high for all of us. Run free, Joey.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I know Joey appreciates all the kind and TRUE words we are pawing about him!

Let the staining pawty at The Rainbow Bridge khommence!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I am sure that Joe is runnin some grrrreat Stainin Trainin over there!

Amber-Mae said...

We heard the news too. I am very sad. Goodbye my funny friend!

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh my sweet, sweet Macky, I am just so sad. Joe was an inspiration of all dogs but especially us Bostons. I will miss him furever.

Sending you lots of loving licks,
Your Ruby ( even tho I haven't blogged in ages)

Barbara said...

I am so sorry for the loss of your friend Mack!

Two French Bulldogs said...

So sad, to lose this little guy
Benny & Lily

Asta said...

Dawling Mackie
don't be sad
We will all meet again someday. I think all of us will miss him so vewy much but I know he would be awfully mad if we didn't twy to follow in his pawsteps and enjoy life to the fullest. Youw sweet Wuby will help you thwoo this difficult time
smoochie kisses

Chips said...

I will leave a special stain tonight, in Joe's honour.

I am so sorry Mack, and to Joe's family too


Duke said...

Joey was the absolute funniest guy ever, Mack! We are sure going to miss him.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

White Dog Blog said...

Sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. We did not know Joe but knew of him and his wry sense of humor and unique ways...he will be missed. But his memories will make you smile forever.

Lorenza said...

I am very sad too.
Joey sure was very special.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Ellen Whyte said...

Oh no Mack! We are so sorry to hears of your friend Joe Stains passing...

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

We are so furry sorry to hear about Joe Stains.

We've been trying to get by to say hi to everyone, since we've gotten back!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three



Package received and it was a pawsome. Thank you so very much.


Joe Stains said...

Thanks for this post Mack. You have no idea how all of these comments and posts have helped us through it. Joe is a once in a lifetime kind of friend and dog and he will be missed by so many.