Thursday, June 23, 2011

Can I Be Your Lady Mango?

Paris Rain here! I bet you thought that was Mack! BOL!

Mango, I would SO love to be your date! You are one dreamy fellow.

I sure do hope you like this video I made just for you. PS: I don't have fleas.

If that didn't sway you in my direction, let me tell you a few things about me you might find very interesting:

1. I like to eat poo.

2. My tail looks like a fuzzy hot dog (per Mack).

3. I met my mom at the local PetSmart Cocker adoptathon. It was love at first sight. (for her)

4. Sometimes my dad says I smell like a musty rug

5. I like to rub my butt all over the floor

6. # 4 & #5 means it's time to go to the groomers - which I love.

7. I am long and lean.

8. And blonde

So whaddya say Big Boy?


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Paris Rain... Mango would be a Fool not to choose YOU!!

Fleas?? NEVER.. you were just showing how... nimble you are!!

K9 Katastrophie said...

Heehee! I bet Mango chooses you!


Dexter said...

Being blond sure helps a lot. Mind you I have always been a bit frightened by you, but the Mango is sure up for an adventure. It will be hard to choose.


Maggie Mae and Max said...

OoH Paris!

How can Mango say no to you? :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Two French Bulldogs said...

you got some hot gals to choose from Mango
Benny & Lily

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are sure that video and items #4 and #5 have moved you right to the top of Mango's list:)

We do think you are a very pretty girl, Paris. Lots of luck in the date contest.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Asta said...

Pawis Wain
Wif youw Vewonica Lake tpe good looks and intewesting facts you have told about youwself..i don't see how the Mango can wesist
smoochie kisses

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Mango has a tough decision coming up.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

The Daily Pip said...

How could he possibly resist you!

Your pal, Pip

Lorenza said...

Hi, Paris!
You have very interesting qualifications to win Mango's contest!
I had a good laugh knowing about # 5!
good luck!
Kisses and hugs

Duke said...

How could Mango say no to you, Paris! You are so cute and you have so much to offer!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Anakin Man said...

Howdy Miss Paris,

I eat poops too.

Good luck to yous.
I am a blonde too (I tink)
I may be entering teehees..
Oh. Anakin is not going to be happy's.

I have some stiff competitions..
yous very pretty's



Scooter said...

Hey Paris!
Wow, great video. I'm sure Mango will take a long, drooling look at this and you're definitely in the running!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Road Dog Tales said...

You are certainly a beautiful blonde and we think the Mango would be in for an exciting date with YOU! Good luck, Paris!

The Road Dogs

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I think the two of woo are from the same mold!


Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

You are a most beautious lady, Paris Rain, with excellent long ears and wavy furs. We know you were just arranging your furs for your photoshoot so the waviness would be just right. How anyone could be afraid of that cute face is beyond us. Good luck!

Jed & Abby

rottrover said...

Hi Paris Rain! You know, regardless of Mango's choices or lack thereof, you'd be fun to hang out with! I don't really have a tail, and I live to roll in poo!! Good luck, guurrrlfriend!


CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Paris Rain, you are a cutie patootie! Good luck!

Finn said...

Awesome personal ad :) Sounds a lot like Finn! What's not to love!

White Dog Blog said...

Pairs Rain, what an incredible sales pitch! What boy could resist?

Emily and Ike said...

Ok, so two things and this is really important - I had an ulcer on my eye - remember? - and I had to have surgery because we Bostons get indolent ulcers which means they don't heal. I sure hope yours is regular and has healed by now. Second - if it's not healed, switch to antibiotic drops because the ointment makes it hard for the new epithelial tissue to adhere to the stroma - my mom told me to say that. I had to go to an ophthalmologist to have my eye surgerated and that's what she uses because these eyeballs of ours are quite tricky. Google indolent ulcer or boxer ulcer for details. And also, they eye doc says to go easy on the atropine or not use it at all and use other types of pain control because atropine is a toxin and it doesn't help healing. I'm wringing my paws here, I hope your eye is a normal eye and healed already!
And you said you want in on the super secret Joe Stains surprise, but it's already done. But, if you still want in, email my mom emilyandian @ and she will give you details where you can paypal a little dough to someone we know.
Pee S - let me know about the eye. I'm totes worried for you and my mom is full of unsolicited advice because I have had surgery on both my eyes!

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Haha Paris I totally thought Mack wanted to be Mango's lady. That is an impressive list of attributes - I love that your tail is like a fuzzy hot dog!!

Mack, how is your eye? I have had an ulcer in each eye - not fun. I hope yours heals quickly!!


♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Paris, Mango would be crazy not to pick you for his mystry date.

Lilly, Sorry Mommy wouldn't let me have one of your mancures. Everybody is still talking about them.

Mackie Poo, Hope your eye is getting better. We used oe of your flower pictures last night.

{{{huggies}}}.....Mona & Weenie

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Good try Paris, Mango couldn't fail to be swayed by that video!

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

You want to be the other Mango's date.
Why not me???
I'll sway in your direction without watching the video!
Just between you and me, I used to do #1 and will do it again if I'll have a chance!
When my mom tells me I smelled like a duck then it's time to take a bath against my will!

Zona said...

Paris, you sure make a compelling argument for Mango Man to pick you! I think you're going to have dates lined up around the block after this post!!!
