Saturday, May 14, 2011

What a Week - Whew! Glad It's Almost Over!

Did everybody survive Friday the 13th ok??? Well, mine was BAD because I had to go to the Vet!!
Turns out I have a yeaster infection in my ears! But much less than Paris had, and my ears are cuter anyway.
Ok moving on, I dodge a BULLET last Saturday. Mom came home from "shopping" with these pics on her phone:

When I confronted her, she said she was looking at them for a "friend". That's what they all say.
Then, mom started fussing at me cause I just wanted to say hi to Juana.
What's up with that?

THEN, last night mom decided Mr. Stinky needed to be washed

So I was forced to sleep like this:
It gets worse.
This morning mom brings out this scawy thing:

(The mop, not Tia Lilly)
She says we make the floor disgusting and she needs to steam clean it at least every other day.

And of course, Lilly still thinks she's La Reyna:

What's a guy to do?


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hey Mack... you had an infection???
that is such a manly thing.
You did have a very much STRESS filled week. Whew... she was just LOOKIN... fur somebuddy ELSE.
I hope you weekend is much better. You can start getting Mr. Stinky back to his NORMAL self now.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mack, we hope you can get all that yeast out of your ears and feel better too.

Those pups are pretty cute, are you sure you wouldn't want one too?

Hope Mr. Stinky is ready for bedtime tonight - we know how difficult it must have been to share those blankies with Paris.

Our mom had the mop out today too - something about way too many muddy paws - hmmmm, who could that be?

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Duke said...

Wow - you did have a stressful week, Mack! We hope your yeasty ears feel better soon!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

kissa-bull said...

we fink maybe a couple of tooters from paris might kill the ear infection for good tee hee hee

beware of the just lookin excuse macky. keep a watchful eye. . . .

the pittie pack

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Mom's week was like that - in fakht, she's been pouring red AGJ all night -

As fur those pikhs, they look like Burned Yeast Mounted pups - rut roh!

PeeEssWoo: Dear Paris - I hope Mack didn't give woo ear khooties!


Glad you survived Friday the 13th.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
I hope you two are doing well!
Ear problems are not funny, right?
Sure it was an "interesting" friday the 13th!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Beanz said...

hope your ear is better Mack
welcome to Sunday the 15th. So much safer!
Beanz & Chips

Dexter said...

How do you survive with all those nutty gals around disrupting your routine and making you miserable? And then the yeast ears. Ugh. Can't a guy catch a break?


Scooter said...

Hey Mack!
Wow, you've been a busy guy! I hope the vet is fixing up your gotta be able to hear the dinner bell ring! BOL Sorry about all of the cleaning going on, but at least now you can start working on getting your toy and the floor back in proper shape.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hey mackie Poo,

Them other doggies are cute but not near as cute as you. What are you doing next Saturday. Maybe you guys could come here:

2011 Bay Area Arthritis Walk
Saturday, May 21

Clear Lake City Park Pavilion
5001 Nasa Road 1
Seabrook, TX 77586

Mommy can't walk because but of her knee but we are gonna go and support our friends, dogs and humans, that will be there. Both ATDR and DROh houston will be having booths there.

{{{huggies}}}...Mona & Weenie

K9 Katastrophie said...

Hi Mack! We survived friday too!


Anakin Man said...

Me can't belief's you had to go to 'da vet on frightmare's 'da 13th
me nerves!

Me hopes you got toys to help yous pain-

'dose pho-toes? What 'da heck dude?

Oh- me nerves-

me Momma brings pho-toes of other doggies all 'da time-

Anakin Man

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Hope yous feeling better. Gosh I can't believe all the weird Mom things you have to put up with!
~lickies, Ludo

Amber-Mae said...

Sorry about your yucky infection. I hope it clears off soon. Oh dear, do I smell something fishy? Is your mom going to get a new puppy???

K9 Katastrophie said...

Hi Mack, thanks for your good wishes....heehee! *WINK*


White Dog Blog said...

Thanks for the kind words of support during our hecticness and especially thanks for the congratulations you left for Michael...he always gets so tickled when my wonderful blog friends mention him.

Hope your infection goes away quickly...unhappy ears always make me crabby.

Any new clues regarding those incriminating photos?

Cinnamon said...

Hi Mack,
Just stopping by to say hello and thank you for visiting my dog blog today. I know you were so busy with that mop and the floors my mom hate it when I bring in mud too.
Big wags and licks from Seattle WA
♥ Cinnamon

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Mack! We are of course behind in visiting like usual! We are glad your mom didn't bring home one of those puppies - they are cute but boy they would have been a handful for sure!

Ellen Whyte said...

Poor Mack! We hope you're better now. We've been away but we're back and blogging again.

White Dog Blog said...

Have a wonderful extended holiday weekend! Hoping for good weather and relaxing times for everyone there.