First - We just heard the terrible news about one of our oldest and dearest Collie friends - the Key West Collies Deacon has crossed the bridge, quite unexpectedly. We are still in shock by the news. Please go and give them your support and love.
And is it just us, or is Blogger being the biggest brat ever? We couldn't comment, post or in some cases even GET to your bloggies this week. It hasn't been much better this morning either.
No big news from us. Just wanted to check in with my buds. I guess the biggest news this week was that I got a super cool toy. I love anything with that rubbery, slick feel.
Mom, gimme.
Paris found my new bone and started thrashing about on it. The nerve.
And in other big news mom found a flea on Tia Lilly. Can you believe they put a cocker mess on the meds???
Ok, gotta go, it's time for my first NOTD. (Nap of the day).
This post is dedicated to the Key West Collies.

Weare having all the blogger issues too!!!!
Sorry to hear about your friend.
Cool bone. We have one but we ignore it.
Happee Saturday
Benny & Lily
Thanks for thinking of us. It the start of a long day, but Essex will see me through it.
Dog Dad
That would be the first nap of the day. One of many, I hope.
We visited the collie dogs. So sad.
That is one of my favorite pictures of Essex and Deacon. They sat there so patiently for Dog-Dad to take it. He sure is going to miss Deacon!
Sorry to hear about your friend Deacon.
And about blogger. We've been having those problems too. We've found that unselecting the 'keep signed in' box seems to help for some reason.
Looks like you'd better guard your new bone.
XXXOOO Daisy, kendra & Bella
That is one cool bone, Mack!
We were so sad to hear about Deacon. We stopped by his blog earlier today.
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We didn't know Deacon, but we visited his family earlier - such a sudden and tragic loss. Soft woos to his family.
Glad to see you got Mr. Slicky back from Paris - hope he is still there after your snooze:)
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hi, Mack!
I am so sorry to know about Deacon.
Blogger has been.... has been... I can't say the word I am thinking!
It did not want me to log in... in my own blog! Hmmm....
Pawesome toy!
Happy weekend to all of you
Kisses and hugs
That is most awful news about Deacon..I went to visit and pay my wespects. It's so sudden and I can't believe it eithew. this is so vewy sad. I just hope that it was sudden and Deacon didn't suffew. i know it will be tewwibull fow his family. I hope Essex will be able give comfowt and not be too sad.
I'm glad you got Mw Slicky back and get some west
smoochie kisses
OH dear, that is sad news about your friend. I will head over to his blog right after this.
That toy looks cool! Is there liquid in it?
Dear Mac,
Dog Dad is recovering and getting a the tidal wave of emotions are getting smaller. He will always miss Deacon, but he won't get misty eyed as often.
We are also STILL having Blogger issues! Grrrr...
We are so sorry to hear of the crossing of your friend. White Dog woos of Peace to him and to his grieving family.
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