If you are into BT's (and who isn't, right?) this is the one for you!

Barking of calendars, mom asked me to ask you if you wouldn't mind telling me your barkday so she could put it down in her new ABTR calendar? THANKS!

Barking of calendars, mom asked me to ask you if you wouldn't mind telling me your barkday so she could put it down in her new ABTR calendar? THANKS!
We love the calendar. Momma use to have 2 Boston terrorists. My birthday is May 27 and my Lily is May 21. Thanks for asking Mack
Benny & Lily
Mom and me luvs da calendar too.
My barkday is January 30th!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Great calendar! We've already got our scottie one, though. And you are the only Boston Terrier we know.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Wow that is a cute calendar! Mom was going to get a calender for work but now she isn't because she can't have it up anymore. We think that is a good one though!
How comes there is no doxies in dat calendar? Bwhahaha..okays, I kid you!
My birfday is July 28...and when is yours...I has a calendar too and would likes to know. I knows you just had a birfday but I don't think on wednesdays.
I was born on May 31st..
Why aren't YOU in the calendar???
Paris is missing?? Wonder what she is up to??????????????
What a great calendar...
Paris is probably at a New Years Eve party...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Well I don't know my bark day but my gotchaday is August 1.
What an awesome calendar for an awesome cause! Lilly has such a cute sweater on! Hi Lilly!! I haven't seen your sissy, but I bet she's plotting something! Fur real...My barkday is today! I was born 11 years ago and was nearly a Y2K baby. We're celebrating by going snowshoeing! Happy New Year to all of you guys and gals!! Love, Josie
Oh, that's a Most Wonderful calendar. Maybe I'll get one for my Auntie C. She has a boston terrierist named Phoebe!
Um, you didn't puts Paris in that cage, did you?
Oh, and my barkday is March 28th and Brudder Ranger's is December 13th.
Wiggles & Wags,
You should be on the cover, Mack!
My birthday is July 10th and Mitch's is November 24th.
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
What lovely pictures! Minnie's birthday is April 10 and Trixie's is April 15!
Hi, Mack!
The calendar sure is pawesome!
And Ike is in there!
My birthday is November 2.
Aaaand.... where is Paris??
Kisses and hugs
Hi Mack!
That's a great calendar, and even better with Ike in it!!
Our barkdays:
Chewy - March 25
Clover - May 17
Hope you're having a great holiday!
Whewe is Pawis Wain???
I haven't seen hew at all..did she go to a spa ow something?
That is one good looking calendaw..I ke looks gweat , but I thin you and youw sweetie Wuby should be Febwooawy's models wif a big heawt awound you.
My biwfday is Septembew 24
smoochie kisses
Thats a lovely calender.. I love the sweet pictures. Do you want kitty friends purrdays too. Mine is November 19th .. Hugs GJ x
Hey Mack!
Wow, what a fun calendar. More pix of cute pups! BOL Do you suppose Paris ran off with Francine? Oh boy, that could be really bad,
Happy 2011!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Terrific calendar and the pics look like you, Mack! Happy New Year to you all!
Very nice calendar but we do wish you were in it too, Mack. Now what happened to Paris? Did she go off on a big trip for New Year's Eve?
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
'dats a super cool calender Mack!!
Now, you wouldn't happen to want Paris, too blame her for 'da puffy fluffy guts bleeding outs of 'dat red pillow now would yous? hee hees...
If so.. hers 'prolly hiding under 'da table or someting 'cuz her guilty.. yep.. we saw her do it.. ;) snorts
Josie (mine) april 5th, IzZY's not impawtant, butt since yous asked it's march 24, Anakin's is may 19 and TriXie's is April 25... butt again.. only Josies is impawtant.. hee hees!!
Mack, we's wants to wish you and (even Paris) a Happy New Years!!!
IzZY (my b-day impawtant sheesh), TriXie and Anakin Man (s'up)
That looks like a great calender! My boy John got my mom person a schnauzer calender this year & she is furry excited!
From our home to yours we wish you an amazing 2011!
Oskar & Pam
We've just started our own blog, and we're going around trying to meet other bloggy pets. You are so cute! Our Mama says she loves Boston Terriers... even though none of US are Boston Terriers! (Two of us are assorted mixed breed terriers, though. And one of us is a cat.)
Happy New Year Dearest Mack, Paris and Lilly,
Happiness and health in the coming year to you and your family!
{{{huggies}}}...Mona & the Mommy too!!
PS....Yahoo...today we can at lest comment
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