Sunday, December 12, 2010

'Tis the Season (to Celebrate # Cinco)

WOW! We are so loving getting all these super duper Christmas cards and e-cards!

Thanks everybody! They really make my Grinchy mom smile!

And guess what? I WON a pressie over at PBU! From Fido's Closet!

I am really gonna be stylin' in my new collar!!! Take a Look See:

Thank you so much Oskar and Pam and Kim for the fabulous collar! And it comes at a great time cause I outgrew my old collar (I guess I'm getting more muscular in my neck).

And I kinda got in trouble this week.. I sure hope Sandy Paws wasn't watching.... I got on a digging kick...where there was a muddy patch...and had to have TWO BATHS in just a couple days.
Here's a pic of me feeling guilty :
And guess what happens this Wednesday??
And guess what happens this Thursday!!!??

You'll never guess!

Oh yeah....stay tuned to find out how Lilly's Old Timer's Club first meeting included the Po Po, six cases of Dos Equis, chicken tamales and the manager of Denny's becoming very upset...


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Nice job all the way around...and down too!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

What kinda deal is this??? You put dos Equis, tamales and the PoPo all in one sentence and then just leave us hanging... How long are you gonna make us wait to find out how this ... situation... unfolds???? HURRY...

Unknown said...

I'm with Frankie......this sounds VERY intriguing! Can't wait to hear more.

Barbara said...

Oh my, I can't wait to see what comes of beer and tamales!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Can't wait for Wednesday and Thursday! Sounds interesting.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

We see our card up on your card wall.

Ellen Whyte said...

Beer and tamales? can we come???

Dexter said...

Digging now is it? You better cut that stuff out if you want to get any pressies at all.


3 doxies said...

Wells, I am a digger myself so I don't sees what da big deal is personally...are you part doxie?

And dude, it's monday mornin'...don't make me half to think on a monday..yikes!


Duke said...

Congrats on your collar win, Mack! You are going to be stylin' for Christmas!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Ruby Bleu said...

I know what Wed AND Thursday is - W00t!!! Thank you so much for the holiday card my usual, my Mom hasn't mailed mine yet - boo. I do have one question..what does the little cocker mess get 3 pictures and you only have two??? That doesn't seem right!!!

I woof you...
Lots of Licks, your Ruby

Unknown said...

congrats on your new collar!
We are loving our xmas cards too - ours are suppose to be delivered tomorrow so we have to work on getting them out tonight!!

Josie said...

Nice collar! I'm so excited to read about the big doings of the old timers club!!! Go Lilly!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Great collar, Mack. Ciara applauds your digging and mud efforts.

Hmmmm, this meeting sounds very interesting, we will be back to hear more.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Kitty+Coco said...

Mack lay off of the digging! That gets us in serious trouble over here. Add that to the mud, and...Rut Roh. You have a cute mug going for you, so work those sugars and you should be fine.

Nice collar.

We LUV your card. Thanks! Mom just ordered ours last night. Can you believe that slacker?

Kitty and Coco

White Dog Blog said...

Congratulations on the nice new accessory, Mack! We know you will look quite stylish! Digging two week before Christmas? What are you thinking? Save it for just a few more days...Christmas morning AFTER Sandy Paws has been there, you can dig until you can't anymore. But anyway, I think @ baths is more than enough've paid your dues, my friend! For the next 12 days for dogs sake, be good!

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Hello Mackers!!

Me really likes yous new collar!!
'dat cool..
Now.. psst... me ear drum (hu hu..get it's.. we's in band) is up to 'da 'puter speaker... tell me's 'da on goings-goings ons-ons thursdays!! Me's not tell a soul!!

hu hu's
Anakin Man

LailaSmith01 said...

Definitely it is a great season to celebrate...It's Christmas and it's in the air...Nice cards there very beautiful!!!

dog pens

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

What beautiful cards Mack. 2 baths in a few days. What is up with that? Doesn't mom like dirty paws on the fur-niture..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

kissa-bull said...

oh darn our mommish totally forgot to send the pics of coco chanela nd guero for the old timers club!!! guess we need to stop tooting near her face she gets sidetracked when that happens sometimes. we shall have to do it ouwselves.*geez*

pibble sugars and wee wiggles
the pittie pack

Roni said...

Those are pretty amazing cards Mack good for you to have all of those... Our Christmas is a bit boring because most of the time we were at our rabbit hutches waiting for the snow to stop.Actually, yesterday we were so happy to out because it finally stopped.