We started celebrating last night with our dindins.
Here's our kibble, mixed with canned delishuzniss, yogurt, honey and a little mini-bone underneath it all:

Then after our tummies had time to settle, we played Red Light Bug!
Look what mom gave me: (really us, cause she makes me share)
These Tiny paws are our favorite (well Lilly doesn't like them)

And we've never had these before, but we heard they were real good.
And here's a pic of me, looking sad, although I am really super pumped cause it's my barkday!

oh macky poo , happy barkday!!!! we are all tooting for you from our woggie pibble house and we hopes you can sniff em in arlington. that din din sure made ush drooly and in your honor we shall tear up our couch tonight !!!!!!
pibble sugars and wee wiggles
the pittie pack
Happy birthday Mack!! Yousa our age nows and that game of red light sure looks fun. By the ways, you play list for your barkday is so much fun to listen to!
Much luvums,
George & Gracie, 5 year olds, of the Slimmer Puggums family
Mack mate, happy barkday to you my friend. I dont think we'll be tearing up the couch though...D would be cranky.
Noah xx
Happy Birthday, Mack! That birthday dinner DOES look delicious!
Enjoy those snacks.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Happy 5th birthday, Mack! We've had pegetables and they are very yummy!
Your birthday is off to a great start!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Happy Birfday Mackers!!!
Me sissy IzZY 'dose 'dat same ting wits 'da lite!! hu hu's
'dat Dinner looks sooooo Nommy!! Did yous save yous old pal any? hu hu's
Glad yous enjoying yous day...keep it going and me will try to snack on 'da couch.. or lick its at least!
Take care Mack!!
Anakin Man
Happy Birfdays from IzZY, Josie, and TriXie
pee-s... We love 'dis music in 'da backrounds
Momma loves 'da Ruby song... hers has story 'bout ladybug named Ruby..
Great party, except for that sharing part.
Oh Mack....HAPPY BIRFDAY!!!!!!!!!!
Dude, dat food looks deeeeeeeelish! Gosh, I didn't gets nuttin likes dat on my birfday!
We has seen them Hartz things on other blogs but we can't seems to find 'em in da store...dang it!
Anyways, I hopes your birfday was perfect...just likes you!
Happy Happy Barkday to you my furiend! Your dinner looks delish! I luvs watchin' youz play Red Light Bug but I don't think mom would play if wif me cuz I would prolly knock over sumptin' ;)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
My Macky...Happy Barkday my love! Looks like it's off to a great start! If I were there I'd give you a big smoochie and a snuggle!!! I woof you!
Lot's of Licks, your Ruby
This is just the mostest delicious post I have seen in 87 days. What a super pawty you had. Food and pressies (love those tiny paws... they last fur ever) and ... the video is super.
Happy 5th Birfday!!!
Happy Birthday! Minnie did just tear up my couch in your honor!!
Happy, happy Barkday, Mack! Gosh, it looks like you gots some super wonderful pressies there. Aren't birthdays just the greatest? I hope yours is the best one that ever was!
Oh, and is it okay if I destuff a stuffie instead of a couch?
Wiggles & wags,
Happy MackiePoo Day!!!!!
With LOTS of SUGARS!!!!
Oh the Petetables are nasty - taste like vegetables ugh!
I luvs laser light, it's my favorite game ever - we canz play it together if you want to come visit?
woof - Tucker
Deewest Mackie Poo
That looks like the stawt of a tewwiewific Biwfday! I hopeit continoos wif mowe fun and tweats!
I wish I could be thewe to give you a Biwfady Smoochie(I know Wuby wouldn't mind)
I'll twy to teaw up something in youw honow..I'm not good at fuwnitoowe, but I can do a stuffie!
smoochie kisses
Hi Mack! Happy 5th Barkday!! We think that your dinner sounds pretty tasty - for doggy stuff of course! And we love that you like to chase those red laser bugs - we do too - it is so cool we have that in common!
And of course, being your birthday we must sing to you - we hope you like it!!
What day is today?
It's Mack's Birthday!!
What a day for a Birthday!
Let's all have some cake!!
We hope you keep having a wonderful, fun, special - and treat filled - day!!
We love the music and great noshes and the red bug game! You deserve the best on your day! Happy Happy Barkday, Mack! We wish you many many more happy returns of the day and a "new you year" filled with lots of treats, fun adventures, good health, friends and love. We will tear up some wrapping paper and tissue tonight in your honor. Sugars!
Pawsome birthday, Mack! We're tearing up newspapers in your honour.
Happy Birthday Mack!!!!! Love all of the pics and the music!!! Your din-din looks delish!! Have a good one, you handsome devil! Love, Josie
Happee Birthday Mack!!!
Benny & Lily
Hapy Birthday, Mack!!! We think your special treat looks so good - we are hoping the Momster is taking note so we can give it a taste test too. That video was great - you sure want to get the RLB - one of these day you will!!!
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Happy Birthday Macky-Boy! Now don't get too skinny chasing the red thingy. Maybe your mom should give you some extra treats just in case.
Oh boy! Now we totally have an excuse to tear up something..what will it be? I've had my bug eye on an ornament.
Kitty and Coco
Happy belated barkday Mack!! Hope you had a great one!
hello mack its dennis the vizsla dog hay happy barkday!!! and re the pillo dun and dun!!! ha ha ok bye
What? You get canned food???!!!! Our maw has never given us that. We need to move to your house.
Maw asked if you guys have any food allergies? Basil is allergic to corn and wheat and basically all the mammals except for fish. Guinness can eat anything.
Basil n Guinness
Wonderful backday you had Mack... I think for pet treats really is very important to make the feel loved especially during their special day. Well as to my rabbits I always make sure to add something new in the rabbit hutches during their day to make them feel that day is really very special and different from the rest.
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