We are so proud of our awards we got this week!
The first one is from the Houston Pittie Pack:

The rules state we must pass these on to three of our blogging buddies, so here goes:
1. Hector & Lola
2. Mack & Sally Ann
3. Coccorue
And our second award was from another of our bully friends, Benny & Lilly.
(We love cupcakes almost as much as getting awards!) Thanks my Frenchie friends!

1. Treatsies
2. Days momma has off
3. Sunny days (I kinda forgot what that's all about...)
4. Eating Juana's food she throws on the floor
5. Walkies!
6. Pooping in the house
7. Chasing my red laser light
8. Chasing evil squirrels
9. When momma opens the baby gate to the bedrooms
10. Ruby Bleu!!!!
Now I pass this most distinguished award to:
1. Hailey
2. Deacon
3. Marley
4. Merdie
5. Auntie Penny
6. Josie (Who I hope starts a bloggy real soon)
7. Trixie
8. My soon-to-be mother-in-law (dewclaws crossed), Michele
9. Happy
10. Sammi
Nothing new here; it's as boring as usual. We did have an ordeal with our chair that eats Juana's food. It's amazing how hungry that dang thing is:
TGIF everybody!
hello mack its dennis the vizsla dog hay congratchoolayshuns and thank yoo for this award and -- wot??? oh it is for trixie??? wel i gess i wil let her hav it after all she is the alpha dog!!! ok bye
We have a chair like that except it is always eating the master's food. I do my best to clean it.
HAHA - we love that pooping in the house makes you happy, Mack!
Gee, maybe we need a birdie? hummm
Congratulations on your awards!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh my Mackie...I'm so happy I make you happy!!! You definitely make me happy...especially when I see pictures like the last one!!! I'm going to ask Mom to print that out and put it where I can see it all the time!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Congrats on your new awards!!!
We have a chair like that too.
oh mack that last photo us just so precious
congrats on all your awards you are most deserving
we wonder what birdie food tastes like??
wiggles and pibble hugs
the houston pittie pack
Congratulations on your Awards, Mack!
Looks like Juana is a good food provider!
Kisses and hugs
Furry nice sharing -
Pawed along furry well too!
Khould food hunt too!
A seedeating chair - now there's a good one, Mack. Congrats on your awards, we feel the same way about treats, walks, and that missing sunshine.
Happy Friday, Phantom and Thunder
Congratulations on your awards and your welcome too. Our chairy eats stuff too. We are so glad you got that food out. Great face!!
Benny & Lily
woofs, congrats on ur awards..heehee me likes to hide me biscuits in furniture...then me goes back and gits 'em..
b safe,
Congrad's on your awards..
Mack you are a great retriever.. Callie does that same thing.. Only she is looking for popcorn..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Awesome tongue shot!
Hi Mack.
I've missed you so much. I guess I'm not a very good friend but it's all Mommy's fault. We just don't get around much but then we didn't have a computer alnmostm all of December. Come on over and check out what I'm going to on Feb 13th. Maybe your Mommy could bring you guys down to see us there.
Hi Mack.
I've missed you so much. I guess I'm not a very good friend but it's all Mommy's fault. We just don't get around much but then we didn't have a computer alnmostm all of December. Come on over and check out what I'm going to on Feb 13th. Maybe your Mommy could bring you guys down to see us there.
So adorable dog. Our dog is also doing like that. :)
I'm so glad to see Mr Chaiw finally shawed some of the delicious food wif you..I love seeing youw contented face!
smoochie kisses
pee ess that Gweat Dane is NOT a Gweat Dane I suspect, hehehe
Congrats on your pawsome awards!!
Woofs and Kisses!
Juana sure is generous in sharing! From the look on your face, the food sure is yummy! Congrats on your awards! And thank you for passing one to me! I'm so honored!
Congrates on those pawsome awards. :)
~ Bae
congrats on the awards and TQ for sharing the director's choice award with me....and we apologise for not thanking you earlier and for not posting about this
we will get to this soon or we should be changing assistant
we want you to know that we do appreciate you guys very much
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