Everybody's doing it, so I thought why not us??? I told Lilly and Miss Thing to think about what they would like to accomplish in 2010 and here is what we all came up with:
On Lilly's list:
1. Make it to 2011
3. Try to sell/pawn some of her weapons. (Thank dogness)
Paris Rain's list:
1. Be more beautiful (O.M.D.)

3. Get her massage therapist license
1. Start a worldwide campaign to ban cuddling
Save enough money for me & Ruby to take a vacation to the Sam Adams brewery. (Honeymoon??)
We hope everyone has a PAWSOME 2010 !!
Those are super resolutions. I am sure you can achieve them all.
What great resolutions..
Paris we can join that PEO with you, well the Red's can.. They sure like sheep treats.. he he
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Those are great resolutions guys! My eyes got all misty when I read Lilly's....she's so precious!! Love, Josie
Happy New Year my Love...these are great resolutions...especially yours...except, you'd let me cuddle with you, right?
Lots of Licks, your Ruby
P(ee)S: Did you get my peemail??? I sent it to your Mom
I dare not difFUR with MRH!
I mean, he'd sit on me and then suds me good!
Happy New Year to ALL of WOO!
I like those resolutions. Happy Happy New Year
Sally Ann
hello mack its dennis the vizsla dog hay those ar grate resolooshuns!!! ummm can yoo try to mayk shoor lilly duznt sell enny of her weppons to the ninja hedjhogs??? thanks ok bye
What great revolutions Mack!!!
Happy New Year!
coco shays she totally agrees with the whole cuddling thing but mommish says its not happening.
we plan to take over the world so we'll see how that woiks out BOL
happy new year
brinks, bella, guero and coco chanel
Those awe gweat wesolutions! I will cwoss my paws that all of you can achieve them..
miss Wuby is a lucky giwl..a honeymoon at a bwewewy??well as long as you'we thewe, I'm suwe she'd love it.
smoochie kisses
Sounds like some good resolutions. Barky New Year.
Essex & Deacon
Happy New Year Mack and Family!
All those are pawesome resolutions!
I am sure you all are going to accomplish them!
But... P.O.E?? Hmmm....
Kisses and hugs
those are some good resolutions, make sure those weapons go to a responsible owner. if Tanner calls about them HANG UP IMMEDIATELY.
Goodness me Lilly, that is a bit depressing lol. I'm sure you'll make it to 2011.
You all have such interesting resolutions.
Noah Willow Tess lucy
Great resolutions, Mack, but are you sure you don't want to make an exception on the cuddles for Ruby? Happy and Pawesome New Year to you, Lilly, and Paris too.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Gosh miss lily, don't you dare even think of leaving in 2010. Not just Mom but all 3 of us ate black eyed pes on Jan 1!!
ok an ok, miss lilee u duz nots haf tu git rids ov thoz weponz acuz we is NRA memberses whut mom sezes meenz u kin keep em. ok anok then she seded bowt bein sponsible. ok anok.
happeeeee nu yeeers!!!!
oh ye too u macky an also that poop eetin dawg haHAhahahahaha scooter jokeses paris. godda go and i fink it iz supper timeses. byeeeeeee
Pawsome resolution list.
Hope you doggies have a great 2010
~ Bae
We will see how you did at the end of the year. Foley could join that PEA group.
LOL! You are right, it's no longer anonymous! :)
Ours are simple: more bones, less cats. ;)
Great resolutions. I love your number 3 best. we love to read your blog
Happy new year!!
Oh Mack, you're so funny! You crack us up.
nice resolutions. I like the sam adams brewery. Loki wants to know if he can come. he'll promise not to be a third wheel...he just wants the beer!
wild dingo
Hmm, I like them all except for the cuddle ban What will you do for squizzles???? Happy New Year sweeties. Hope it is a joyous, healthy and stress-free year.
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