WHEW!!!!! We survived a really close call last night! (But didn't know it until mom and dad came home from supper yesterday, smelling of a GINGER TABBY!) And yes I do mean cat!
Turns out, they went to PetSmart after eating and mom saw, and I quote "the cutest little striped orange guy". (His name was Duncan).
You see last year mom's beloved Siamese, Ming, passed away. And I know I've heard her say that she'll never find another cat as great as Ming. So I haven't been really worried about it. But man, she went on and on about how cute the little sucker was. And what's worse is, mom has a birthday in a couple of weeks.
Well, man was I relieved after I went to bed last night and overheard dad telling mom she could have the kitty if she really wanted it. Mom said no, she would pass on this one. It just wasn't time for another kitty. But then do you know what she said she would REALLY love to have for her birthday???
A female one of THESE:

I don't like to speak ill of my future um Mother-in-Law (OMD did I just bark that???) but that woman is CRAZY??? Another wild woman in your house??? As if Paris and Lilly aren't crazy enough. Maybe it is just the barkday thing, I mean my Mom does crazy things around her barkday...that surely must be it. I sure hope you can bark some sense into your Dad before it's too late!!!! Good Luck my love...
Lots of Licks, your Ruby
P(ee)S: Hafta admit, the little guy is cute!!!
Whew close call on the kitten lol.
But you have to admit that little baby puppy is just tooo cute!
Wow, how fab!!
Big Pupi would be in HEAVEN in your house full of all those girls! He fancies himself to be quite the ladies' man. At the bark park he herds up all the small-breed girls and keeps them for himself!!
P.S. - Don't you mean "OH SISTER!!" ??
UH oh Mack buddy. You are going to have to keep us updated on whether or not you get any siblings.
Lots of Licks--
Oak and Swish
Aw, Mack. I feel for ya, dude. You already got 2 sisters and now your ma wants to bring home another one??
Phew about the kittie........that little cat looks like an appertiser.
Crikey, a little sissie. Hmmm, Mack you're going to need my help. Three sissies matie, it's hard work.
Noah x
Good luck hope the whole puppy thing works out
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
How many dogs can you have in your city? We can only have 3 unless we get a kennel license. I think we can have all the cats we want. The crazy old bat says that 3 dogs and 2 cats are enough for now.
Oh my goodness, I think a female one of those would be a WONDERFUL present for your mom!
Sorry I've been absent from blogging...no excuses...none...motch is just lazy lazy lazy lazy lazy.
Wow..I think I'd vote for the kitten over the puppy...I mean would Lilliana be okay with another wild puppy around? She does all of the cooking and she might not want alot of puppy stress besides. The kitten is adorable. I have a brother and a sister who are both cats from the shelter. I love them alot. Yikes..I've never said that in public before. The
frenchie is cute though, too. Keep us posted! Love, Josie
She needs to chekhk out some of the past week's Holy Khuteness blog posts -
Or then again, maybe woo won't want her to do that!
A french Bulldog, wow, your Mommy wants a very rare little dog.
UH OH! Looks like you might get a new sissy, Mack!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
OMD! Another sister! My Mommy says thats great but I say a brother would rock out loud!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Mack you just can't win.. Either a cat or a Pest like we have..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi, Mack!
I see a little puppy girl in your near future!
Good luck!
Kisses and hugs
We've been trying to get our Momster to want one of those little ones here, but so far she isn't giving in:(
Happy early Birthday to your Mom and good luck with the potential new addition.
Woos, the OP Pack
OH YES!!!!! YES!!!!! Thats it, momma's right. Those little things are funny, hysterical, wonderful, comedians, playful....don't have room to describe us. I mean that little white thing!
You go momma!
Benny & Lily
sounds like twouble in mackland ..I would think having you would be mowe than enuff wondewfulness..and then thewe's Pawis and Lola too
the little white giwlie is soopew cute, but she aweady has YOU!!!!!!! go snuggle wif hew to avewt this disastew
smoochie kisses
The more, the merrier!
Girls is bossy and annoying. I say go for the cat!
At least you get to chase him about.
~lickies, Ludo
Wow, your life is about to get even more interesting.
Hi Mack!
That was a close call! I have heard my owners talking about getting one of those furry baby kitty things when they buy me a new yard but lucky for me Owner Boy said no! I can't wait to meet your new sibling if you do get one though!
:) Tibby
An albino bat?
Ha Ha Ike!!! You are crackin' me up!!!! Josie
Don't you mean, OH SISTER, or is that Oh Soeur??
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