That's him above. He's a traveling bone salesman and surprised us all with his visit. We had such a fun time listening to his stories of the old days in Beantown. We showed him around town and he even met his dream girl:
Meet Maxine everybody!
Wow what a week it's been!
So, was your mom busy or did she just furget about US???
Don't worry. Did y'all have fun?
Hi, Mack!
I can't wait to know more about them!
Kisses and hugs
Wow..Uncle Rico looks intriguing. I bet he has the stories! Is Maxine a loose lady or something like that? Glad you woke up from your nap!! Love, Josie
So happy to know that everything is going well, and there wasn't some kind of problem keeping you away from your computer!
You'll have to fill us in on some of Uncle Rico's stories!
We've been pretty busy with the new puppies, too! OC
You sure have been busy. Maxine is smokin hot.
Crikey, Maxine's lips have some sort of twitch going on there. Is she ok?
Noah x
I would be careful ...Uncle Rio and Maxine (BOL) look a bit suspicious.
Benny & Lily
Uncle Rico and Aunt Maxine look like lots of fun to us, Mack! Enjoy your visit with them!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Uncle Rico! I like your cigarillo, is it liver-flavored?
Awesome picture.. Uncle Rico looks a bit like you Mack. Wink Wink
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
So will this be a new feature - the life and times of Rico and Maxine?
We miss you, Mack.
Woos, the OP Pack
Traveling bone salesman, BOL we love it.
Lots of Licks--
Oak and Swish
Holy Crapola, now I know why Lilliana was cooking up a storm..she knew Uncle Rico was coming!! are the hostess with the Mostess!!! Love, Josie
Hee hee your uncle and his dream girl sure are cute
~ Bae
Looks like you would have had heaps of fun with those two! :-)
Sounds like a good time to me, send him out this way! lol
What a cool uncle!
He sounds like one cool uncle.
What a week indeed
I go to Afwika and see all i miss. youw unkel seems like a vewy cool guy..I'd love to heaw all his stowies. as fow his taste in giwls, hehehehevava va voom!
smoochie kisses
pee ess did Maxine give youw sissies any makeup tips?
hey Macky, how ARE you and the gang? did you do something to your blog....did you work overtime on it too
looks different or is it me......maybe too much sun from my beach trip
do come by as i've missed you
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