Paris is nekkid again! Here are some before and after shots of her beauty appointment:


Go ahead - laugh -- I know I sure did!
And it has been super boring around here this week (Mom says that's a good thing...whatever...)
We have been getting some ever-so-slightly cooler weather which is a GREAT thing. Except for that fact our neighbors are outside a lot more and we have to endure this:

I wish I wewe youw neighbow
I'd come to youw doow fow those sugaws, hehehe
I think Pawis looks silkie smoof
smoochie kisses
So, when do your sisfurs get to pikhk on WOO?
Mom says sometimes those curly ears and underskirts just get too snarly and have to come all off. Paris looks pretty good, all neat and trim.
Tell those neighbors to just keep their hands on their own side of the fence.
Woos, the OP Pack
Mack buddy Paris looks super cute nekkid...ummmm...ok that sounded wrong. BOL.
You guys look pretty cute waiting there to go give some sugar!
Lots of Licks--
Oak and Swish
Hi Honey....
I hafta say I giggled a little looking at Paris...but don't tell her, ok? I can't believe you still can't go outside and play...maybe the neighbor kid should just stay inside!!!!
Lots of Licks, your Ruby
Hi, Mack!
Paris looks great!
I am so sorry your doggie door is still closed!
Kisses and hugs
Paris looks great.
Sally Ann
I think Paris looks lovely! Oh poor you, Mack. Hope the door shall be opened for you soon. Have a great weekend!
Hey Paris looks pretty good ... we you know!
Does the door open eventually if you bark at the door long enough ?
Charlie & Molly
I wanna go your house for some sugar too
~ Bae
Did mom shave Paris just because she was bored? What's up with the dog door? Man! You could hurt yourself bashing into it.
hello mack its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow paris!!! ware is all yore furs?!?!? ok bye
I think Paris looks pretty good, She is a cutie and you know it lol.
Im going to shave down Nanuchy and my sis's dog this weekend, so they will be naked too :)
Isn't the weather just been absolutely wonderful!!!!!!
Paris you look so cute.. We didn't laugh.. Maybe Belle just wants to play?
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Awwwwwwwwwwww, we think Paris's haircut looks very nice, Mack, and we love her pretty pink collar!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
We sure are glad Dad don't cut our fur like that. It just wouldn't look right on a collie.
Essex & Deacon
Buff or strawberry - either way you know I'm a sucker for blonds!
You look lovely my Paris! I'm jealous that you get to have your belly shaved - mom is making me grow my tummy furs in for fall. Not fair!
i alwiz enjoy seeing her naked.. i feels so pervert
We are still waiting for it to cool off here, it is supposed to be 108 here today!!
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