Hello blogger pups and puppetts! Today I'm putting my business suit back on 'cause we over here in Mackypooville are on the payroll working hard, sending extra pawsitive vibes for these two beewootiful ladies:

I know she would just love for you to come over and say hi to her.
And this lovely blonde lady is Honey.
She is battling cancer.
I just know if you went to visit her and her pawrents it would make her feel better.
And as for me, all this working has made me exhaustimicated! I think I hear my bwankies calling me!
Oh Makhkie Poo!
Woo are one pawesome BT!
Tank woo fur sharing those two beaWOOties!
We need all the khanine kharma and feline floofing we khan!
Nap well!
Great job today spreading the healing vibes.
Prayers on the way, love all the pics!
You're doing a great job. Keep up the good work!
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Thanks for spreading the news about your friends who aren't feeing well. I'll go say hi right now.
You sure look exhausted, Mack!
Oh Macky...you are so good to let us all know! Rest up my love!
Lots of Licks, your Ruby
Mack, what a great pup you are - we all thank you so much for your visit to our blog with good wishes for our princess Dakota. And now THIS, how kind of you to include Dakota and Honey in your post today!!! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Woos, the OP Pack
Keeping them all in our thoughts.
Simba and Jazzi xxx
Great job today buddy, we have been over to visit those guys and we are sending healing vibes.
What a hard worker you are!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Aww! Oh no! That's very sad. Our mom will pray for Dakota and Honey! -H & L
Oh you are working so hard. We need to get those pups better. Maybe a blog miracle is in store..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi Mack!
You are doing a great job working. Thanks for spreading the word on these pups in need!
:) Tibby
You are one hard working boy, Mack! We're headed over to Dakota's blog now!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Mack!
Paws crossed for Dakota and Honey!
You look so tired after all that work!
Have a nice nap!
Kisses and hugs
Good job, Mack. They will both be added to our circle of healing vibes.
Hey Mack
Thanks for the update matie.
We have our paws crossed for both Dakota and Honey.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Hi Mack, you have some really nice fluffy blankets - watch out you don't get them too goobery!
licks & slobbers,
Charlie & human
Thanks again, Mack. We have met a lot of wonderful new friends because of you. It will take some time but we are going to write to each of them and thank them.
Woos, the OP Pack
Oh yes we had beautiful weather too. hopefully it will hold up so we can get to the lake tomorrow when mom gets home..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Will be keeping paws crossed for them. You are such a sweetie, Mack!
Thank you fow wowking so hawd. Sadly sweet Honey lost hew battle wif cancew. My sweet fwiend Charlie also cwossed the bwidge. It's been a sad week. I hope youw Bwankie comfowts you. I will go visit Dakota
smoochie kisses
Mack, this is my first time to your blog, and I came here by way of Ruby's. I am wondering if you might be a good source of information for how to handle my new baby brother, Ares. He's quite a handful...
Feel free to send me any info. In the meanwhile, I'll be adding your blog to my blogroll so I can keep up to date on your antics. Maybe I can learn something through you incidentally. ;)
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