And while she was getting nakefied I was doing this:
Do you recognize that little cutie? (Not me - the other cutie)
That's none other than Mona! We went to Paws in the Park in a nearby city and it was pawsome! It was a benefit for the city's dog shelters. But we went especially to visit our little blogging weinerschnitzel friend and her momma. Wow she was such a sweet girl. And you'll never believe this - but I actually behaved! (For the most part). I even gave Mona's Mommy some sugars! Mom couldn't believe it!
It was super windy so we didn't stay long.
The above pic is me getting cold. I was sitting with the DROH both and actually was kinda nice to the daschies! Well at least I didn't bite any of them!
Mona was an angel the whole time. While I wouldn't pose very good for Mona's mommy, Mona was all about getting her pic taken:
Here's me right before I took a long nap in the front seat on the way home.
And where was Tia Lilly you may ask?
She was at home babysitting Juanita. In that pic she is yelling at her (she's our cockatoo) about getting her bird seed all over the floor. But then right after that she ate every piece that was dropped!
She's got that whole "I am totally innocent" look down pat!
So how is your weekend going?
Wow what a great weekend you had, and you were such a gentleman at the park. You really did look cold, should have brought a sweater. =) My weekend is pretty boring mom is working and I am blogging. =)
Fabulous weekend!
I'm jelly! You got to go to the park meeting all the qt chicks and I stay here holding my boredom.
Mona is the sweet girl, isn't she?
Hi, Mack!
Sure it was pawesome to meet Mona and her Mommy!
Paris naked!
Lilly screaming!
Wow! what a weekend!
Kisses and hugs
omdog Paris is NAKED!! I cannot believe you got to meet MONA!! that is so totally cool. I am very proud of you for behaving.
Does Paris know woo are showing her pikhs all over the internets?
Furry khool woo got to see sweet Mona!
Nice to hear woo behaved FUR THE MOST PAWT?
all that and you managedto get to New Yowk and cut the wug wif youw gowgeous Ruby too?
What a weekend!
Pawis is vewy attwactive, wif hew figoowe, you can get away wif being naked. You wewe amazingly sweet wwif The othew Doggies..I'm pwoud of you, and meeting Mona and the Mommi must have been pawsome. she is a cutie! Looks like Tia Lilly is a vewy wesponsible baby sittew.
Gotta wun back to dance, see you
smoochie kisses
OMD Paris IS totally nekkid! I bet she's a little cold. I'm so glad you had fun meeting Mona and her Momma...but you pups are just friends, right?
Lots of Licks, YOUR Ruby
You are so lucky that you got to meet Mona and her mommy, Mack! We sure wish we could!
We love hairecuts! We think Paris looks great!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Mackie and Amy,
Me and Mommy were soooo excited to see you yesterday. I wish it hadn't been so cold and windy and you coulod have stayed longer. All my fiends thought was the most handsome fella. Thanks so much for coming & for the donation. I can't wait until it warmer and you, me and Paris can meet up at the ball park.
Love my friend......Mona & Mommy too!!
What a day out. Meeting people and being nice really wore you out. The front seat is a good place to nap.
Dawson looked naked like Paris about 6 weeks ago.
Oh wow, really nekkid! That's soooper kool you got to meet Mona! Looks like she just got a nice haircut.
Belly jiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
I wish I lived at your house cause you guys have so much fun! I'm proud of you for behaving, Mack, at the dog park with Mona.
We had SNOW this weekend and it was really windy, so it was a good weekend to stay inside but basektball is boring.
Paris looks beautiful whether she's naked or fully dressed, and Lilly is the perfect picture of innocence!
And yes, that picture on my blog of Fig and me was taken recently. She's bigger than me but looks especially big in that photo for some reason.
Oh what fun. lots of wonderful friends..
What was Paris thinking going out all naked?
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Sounds like you had a lot of fun.
Essex & Deacon
Hi Mack! What a great weekend you had there! You get to meet Mona too? How fun!
Why did Paris go naked? She still look great though.
Oh love all the pics. Good to hear you had such a good time at Paws. I really wanted to go but can't do anything for a few more days, stupid back.
Hi Mack!
It looks like you had a great time! Mona looks like such a sweet friend, I wish I could meet some DWB pals someday!
:) Tibby
You got to meet Mona. How cool is that. Paris is really naked.
Hey Mack,
Looks like you had a blast. Any good snacks at the park?
Murphy Dogg
Hi Mackie,
Just wanted to let you know that Mommy & I did a post about you tonight. If Mommy was a dogggie, i think she's give Ruby a run for her money...whatever that means.
Your friends, Mona & Mommy.
& {{{huggies}}} to all
Cool show! Well done for being sociable to everyone.
Lilly looks like a ferocious guard dog. I wouldn't cross her!
Thanks for the B-day wishes..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I am most certainly NOT thinking of asking that crazy Paris out. Especially if she insists on parading herself around nekked. Sheesh.
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