Sunday, March 22, 2009

Just hanging Out....being Preshus

Nothing new happening around here. It's boring as all get out. Next Saturday we have been invited to this:
thanks Mona & Mommy. We can't wait to see you!
Until then, boring as usual!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

WELL, excitement is all in YOUR paws!

Liven it up!

PeeEssWoo: I bet woo will have LOTS of fun! I khan't wait to read about it!

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

I was invited too but I already had plan, too bad I can't see you in person, Mack.
I'm looking forward to see you in another time.

Andromacke said...

Dangit, you kiddos ARE all preshus!

~Cousin Katie

Mason Dixie said...

Sometimes it just has to be a boring day. =)

Joe Stains said...

It is freakin boring around here too. Dad is sick so we do NOTHING :(

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
We all have boring days from time to time! I understand you!
I am sure you are going to have lots of fun at Pearland!
Kisses and hugs

Moco said...

Take a nap. Grammie says you can't be bored if you can take a nap.

Chef said...

Mack, how can you be bored with Lily and Paris around?? If I had two dogs to play with at home, there wouldn't be a dull moment. Have fun at Pearland!



Pretty slow here to. Dad is getting into spring cleaning.

Essex & Deacon

Dexter said...

Paris looks almost... adorable! Must be a stunt double.


Duke said...

That's something to look forward to, Mack! You'll have to plan which collar to wear for the big day!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said...

You three need to get on AireRuby and get on down here. You can play in our pond and come on walks with B and play with our pal Colin Harries. You'd love it.


Poppy said...

Yep, we're just hanging out today too. It's too windy outside for me!

Anonymous said...

Love the pics!

Oh what fun. I wished I could go but Im on all kinds of restrictions right now. Doc informed me I have a herniated disk in my lower back and am on meds and restrictions. Hopefully next time something fun like this happens I can come and meet you.

Beanz said...

Use the time to get your energy up for next weekend. Looks like it will be fun

(PS you can always make a bit of your own entertainment in the meantime)

Ruby Bleu said...

Hey handsome...
are all you pups walking??? That should be so much fun. Make sure you get some photos!!!

Lots of Licks, your Ruby