Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Hi guys. Mack here. Nothing much going on except we three dogs and mom (!) have been sneezing non-stop. Something must be in the air. We poochies have been scratching up a storm too! Mom called the vet and she said to give us Benadryl; it works a little bit I guess. What do you guys do for sneezies and scratchies??

Mom is threatening to take us to the vet so I am praying this little episode passes fast!!

We do that reverse sneezing thing which kinda scares our mom cause it sounds like we are having an asthma attack but the vet said it is not dangerous.

Oh and to top it all off we each had an oatmeal bath last night! But we got a chicken jerky treat (AKA: puppy crack per my Ruby!) afterward so all's good.

Here's me after a sneeze attack- see my buggars?


Peanut said...

Oh man sorry about all the sneezing going on. I can't believe I'm going to type this but shelby is threating me if I don't ask if ming is okay?

Duke said...

We sure hope the itchies and the sneezies go away soon so you don't have to visit the vet! Is it a weed outside that's doing it?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Great picture. We hope that the entire family is feeling better. Isn't that Benedryl like puppie downers??

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Joe Stains said...

Hey, you know that reverse sneezing can be stopped real easy, Mom just learned about this. If a human gently covers your nose, it forces you to breathe from your mouth and it stops!! pretty cool trick!

Gucci said...

Dudeeeeee Mr. Mack!! I've been sneezing a ton lately too. Mom had to start me back on my allergy meds. STUPID POLLEN LEAVE ME ALONE!!!1


Anonymous said...


That's quite possibly the silliest picture of you I've ever seen. I hope you're high on the Bena-drookies while I type this!

~Cousin Katie

Poppy said...

I do that same reverse sneezing thing sometimes too. Luckily I'm not itchy though...unless I get bitten by a buggy!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
I hope everyone gets better soon!
That reverse sneezing sounds scary!
I have to say that your picture made my day... buggars and all!
Kisses and hugs

Moco said...

Allergies suck. Dawson is always chewing on his paws and his eyes are red. There is stuff blowing all over the place around here, maybe it came your way.

i said...

Oh poor Mack...hope you are all better now. Is it because of all the pollens?

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Some of my Sibe pals do the reverse sneezing thing too!

I hope woo are feeling better!!

Maybe woo need a good snooter full of MY furry lovely Sibe fur!!!


Noah the Airedale said...

Sounds like you have an allergy Mack. Hope you're feeling better. The sneezies don't sound like much fun.

Hugs and tail wags

Kapp pack said...

I do that reverse sneezing thing too. It comes and goes!

Puppy slurps, Canyon

Amber-Mae said...

I bet the sneezes really cleared up your nose! I wonder what's in the air...

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Charlie Daniels said...

Reverse Sneezing sounds kinda scary to me!



Murphy Dogg said...

Awesome pic! My face looks like that after the reverse sneezing too. Mama's afraid one of these times my eyeballs are gonna pop right outta my head.
Murphy Dogg

Dexter said...

You look like the Doofus in that picture (hee hee).

My sister cat in law had to get a shot of steriods because she got wicked bad allergies. Hope that doesn't happen to you.


Stanislaw said...

Mom used to have to dose Pupi on Benedryl for his allergies too. And his girlfriend, wee chihuahua Lilly, reverse sneezes as well. It's scary!

I don't know what you folks are feasting on, but a grain-free canned food might help your allergies. They also make versions of the raw diet that are freeze-dried, so they're easy to deal with like kibble. I know the raw diet isn't for everyone, but since we made the switch there have been zero doggy seasonal allergies around these parts, and Pupi used to be in sorry shape during certain times of the year.

Hope you're feeling better soon! Mack looks frightened by his own sneezes in that photo!

The Puppies said...

Hey Mack,
Maggie reverse sneezes all the time, especially when she is worked up! It sounds and looks bad, because her little back legs go outward, but it is normal for BTs especially! as for the allergies, we are big fans of benadryl... and since Maggie has allergies, we have a special shampoo and a special benadryl lotion rub that we get to use. I think you can buy a benadryl spray to use topically via 1800 petmeds or drs fosters smith (our favorite)
The Puppies

Petra said...

Well, thanks for the info, Mack. I do reverse sneezing all of the time, and Fig does, too, but I never knew it had a name! I just thought it was a boston thing.

Motch scratches me under my chin when it happens, and that always helps.

But it's very annoying.

Myeo said...

Oh no! Are you guys having a cold. We hope you three and you mom will get better soon.

Boy n Baby

Anonymous said...

I don't know, Stella used to be sneezy and itchy but I stopped feeding her anything with wheat and I cut down on her grains. She seems to be okey dokey for the moment...

Simba and Jazzi said...

I hope your Mummy is ok.

Simba x

Maya and Kena said...

Hi Mack,
Oh no! We hope whatever is going around leaves you guys so that you won't have to visit the vet.
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You think we could bottle up and sell that energy? Mom could buy us more treats...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Islay said...

OOooooh, Mack, what a photo! Hope you're better now. Tell your mum to try lavender oil for the itchies; failing that, the big guns are cortisone tablets - work every time.

licks & slobbers