Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Uh Oh...

Um, Mom I'm so sorry I pooped on the carpet last night....

.....and the night before that....

You know I didn't mean to....

Will you ever forgive me?

Oh and by the way I made a stinky on the patio too.

I know you love me! Right mom?


Beckett said...

I'm in the doghouse too, Mack. I hope my mom forgives me soon.


Lacy said...

woof's Mack and girls...ut o mack, iz u in bad trouble?? u need to git joe stains to give u the "stain awarwd"...

b safe,

Eduardo said...

Uh Oh! My Mommy fusses at me when I have an "accident". If Daddy catches me I'm in real trouble!
Hugs & Snugs,
Eduardo The Snuggle Puggle

Ferndoggle said...

Just keep giving her the that face. We've got pathetic down pat, Mack!


Randi said...

Uh oh.... no worries Mack...I'm sure your ma was happy to clean it up...just give her your sad puppy eyes & all is forgiven!

Love & Licks,

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh sweet mack...I know it must be because you miss me as I haven't been around that much. If your Mom doesn't buy the face, you can run away and come live with me...I have LOTS of room and very little carpet...we have tile in the new digs!!!

Oh and please go vote for me on Sophie & Dixie's site...pretty please!

Lots of Licks, your Ruby

Nanette said...

Hi Mack,

Stella used to get in trouble for doing her business in all the wrong places. Now we have no carpets and she has no accidents...mostly.

Beanz said...

we don't have carpet either. Too many Chips-slip-ups. Lino is better anyway!

Peanut said...

I'm sure you have a good reason

Duke said...

But isn't that why they're called accidents? I'm sure your mom has already forgiven you, Mack!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We are sure that you are sorry and that your Mom will forgive you. Mom always blames our accidents on herself so we don't get into trouble.
Yes there certainly lots of ladies there for me to choose from.. I don't think I had a favorite..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
Accidents happen... oftenly
I am sure you mom has forgiven you already!
Kisses and hugs

Snowball said...

Oh Mack, with that look, how can anyone not forgive you soon? You are just too cute!

If I do that, my daddy will say that I am a good girl cos I did not force myself to hold my bowel for too long and in turn he blame on himself or jie jie for not bringing me down for potty sooner.

I think your hooman will feel the same way. hee...

Charlie Daniels said...

G'day Mack

Mate, if when you have to go you have to go. Did you make a good job of it!



♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi Mack,

I still love ya even if your Mommy doesn't. Come over to my blog....I got an award for you.

Love Mona & the Mommy too!!

i said...

You looked really sorry there. So how could she not forgive you. Well, I've not seen any carpets lying around ever since I had an accident (too many).

Urban Smoothie Read said...

ooopsie...sorry to hear about the accident poop....but we know u didn't meant to do it.... just remind the humans to bring u for more walkies

Noah the Airedale said...

Accidents happen matie. My sissies have them sometimes too. We hope your mum doesn't get too cranky.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Girl Girl Hamster said...

I'm sure you didn't mean it Mack..

~ Girl girl

Anonymous said...

oh mackie poo...

I don't know why you decided to poop all over the place. You better be happy you have a mom that loves you as much as yours does!

~Cousin Katie

Amber-Mae said...


Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

BrandytheGreat said...

Aww, coz she does! Who doesnt love a stinky yukky poop making Boston?

Simba and Jazzi said...

Thats a lot of poop! You are going to have to work those puppy dog eyes.

Simba x

Maya and Kena said...

Hi Mack,
Seems you're not the only one who had an accident in the house... I did too. And the humans got really upset with me. I peepeed on the couch... oopsie..
Hope your mommy furgives you!
Wags and licks,

Clover said...

Oh Mack!
Your Mom has probably forgiven you - look at that face!
Love Clover xo

Petra said...

Oh, Macky, Macky, Macky...

You're kind of pushing your luck, aren't you? This must be the test of unconditional love. Surely your mom will give you a big kiss you and tell you that it's all right.

Is it too hot to go outside to do your duties?

Joe Stains said...

LOL GREAT job my friend!!! woot!!

Dexter said...

Not cool little dude. If it happens again, tell her it was Lilly.


cookie said...

Yep, we know just how you feel. We left a couple of little presents for our mom yesterday. She didn't look to happy, but we didn'tget in trouble either.

Cookie and crew

WinstonBerry said...

Hi Mack!
It's ok, Mack, don't worry! Your mommy will forget all about it, soon. It happens to all of us sometimes. My Lisa keeps a puppy training pad in the kitchen at night, just in case I can't wait until morning. Sometimes, though, I forget it's there..... :-(

Winnie :-)