Friday, April 18, 2008

The revolution is over!

Hi everyone! & TGIF!

Lilly is doing much better. She's calmed down and has taken off that stupid beret.

Here's a video of her being calm (Which is a rarity):

Thanks to everyone for their sympathy about my butt problems. And the good advice too. Mom bought a can of punkin last night (Thanks Mr. Stains!) and it thoroughly rocked!

Not much news here otherwise. Tomorrow is cousin Katie's birthday and if we're lucky we may get to have another piece of b-cake! Sweet! Dad is promising to take us to the park tomorrow if the weather's good, but it's been raining like nobody's business this morning. Hope everyone has a super great weekend! Love ya!


Jessie, Jake and Lola said...

We hope you got your walkie!
Happy Belated to your pops

Duke said...

We've never had pumpkin but we hear that it's good stuff and it works!
Paws are crossed that you get to go to the park tomorrow!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Moco said...

Pumpkin is tops. We get it as a treat sometimes. Drink lots of water so you don't plug up.

Ferndoggle said...

Pumpkin ROCKS! Hope it helps your butt.


Petra said...

Nice video of a calm Lilly!

I've crossed my fingers that the pumpkin will do the trick, Mack.

I hope you get a big piece of cake tomorrow. Happy Birthday to Cousin Kate!

Peanut said...

hmm when I try to watch the video it takes me to joe's blog.Glad you are getting pumpkin. It's good stuff

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
Sure I hope the pumpkin helps you to feel better!
Good vibes for a good weather so you can go to the park!
Happy Birthday to Katie!
Have a great weekend
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

We LOVE pumpkin we are so so glad you got some. It is real good for upset tummies too, we always have some around!

BenTheRotti said...

Mmmmm pumpkin!!! Glad to hear Lilly has calmed down, Hope you all have a great weekend,

lotsa love,

Ben xxxx

Amber-Mae said...

Mack, this is so weird. Everythime I click on the video to play, it will direct me to Joey's blog. But anyway, glad to hear Lilly's much better now.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Simba and Jazzi said...

Glad you are feeling better. Must remember the pumpkin thing.

Simba xx

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday cousin Katie, someday we might be welated if Mack has his wish granted.
Lily was so calm, she is coot and I is sooo glad she is happy to be coming to the pawty. Mack Ms. Asta eats punkin too and she has no butt pwoblems, so I guess it must be goods for use problem. Glads use feeling better.
Hugs, bellyrubs,smoochies

The Zoo Crew said...

hope you get to take a trip to the park AND have some birthday cake. what a pawsome day that would be :)


Myeo said...

We are glad to her that you are better. Lilly sure look very calm unlike previously we seen her. That was scawy!

Boy n Baby

Asta said...

Happy late Birfday to youw Dad...I'm so behind, cause Mommi's been sick...I'm glad Lillie calmed down and youw butt pwoblems awe on the mend I hope...I always have punkin in my's gweat!!
Hope the wain stopped and you got youw walk
smoochie kisses

Deanna said...

oooo...birthday cake!

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Hey we're gonna remember the pumpkin the next time one of us do the butt drag ~ good luck

awwh calm Lilly now isn't that nice

Love Licks