I've been seeing this cool game around the internet so here's my version of it:
T - Too cute for words
H - Handsome as all get-out
U - Under-estimated (always)
N- No cuddling allowed
D- Downright silly
E- Extra special Boston
R - Ravenously hungry!
Ok - So maybe it's not that great - my mom thought up MOST of it! Anyhoo, here's some pictures of yours truly just hanging out, being handsome:

It was gweat to see you and Pawis at my house when I got home..and to be able to celebwate youw sweet, bootiful Ruby's Birfday too..I missed you!!!
I love youw middle name game...all vewy twue!!!
Don't wowwy about Pawis..I think the boys loved being hit on, hehehe
I hope you and Ruby got some pwivate time
smoochie kisses
Mack Thunder! I didn't know that was your middle name, but it fits you perfectly. You are one handsome Texan, you know that?
No cuddling???? Oh I'll change that Mack...
Thanks for the eye candy!
Mack the R should have stood for Ruby lover :) Nice pics of your handsome self
Mack Thunder! Yup, it totally suits you! Great answers, Mack!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I'm going to start calling you that, you handsome god of thunder, you! You might want to warn the ladies of the effect of your devastatingly good looking photos, man. There could be lawsuits.
Goober love,
Hi, Mack!
Thunder??? Ha! Sure there is a good reason for your middle name!
Good answers! And great pictures handsome boy!
Kisses and hugs
Mack Thunder! Kewl name & you're always handsome!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
I hate cuddling too, but I LOVE FRIDAYS!
Thunder? That's a great name! How can you not allow cuddles? Everyone wouldn't be able to resist cuddling you though.
It says an awful lot about you lol.
Simba x
Hey Mack,
I knew you'd have a super cool middle name! Might it have something to do with your powerful Boston flatulence?
Murphy Dogg
Handsome and cute.. absolutely!
No cuddling allowed???
If Mum could get her hands on you that would be out of the window hehehe
What a cool middle name, I want a cool middle name too.. I must go sulk now
Ben xxx
Hey my Mack...
Peanut is right...you should have put something about me in there - hee hee hee!
Just kidding, I know you love me. hey, Mom just got back last night and I think she is going to let me open up my prezzies today - I'm so excitered!!!
Lots of Loving Licks,
your Ruby
You are one handsome dude!
Hey Mack--
You are such a great friend that I will share my latest Secrets of Destruction. I completely revamped a Tuff Ring. hahaha
Check out my latest blog entry for the story and pics of my destruction party.
My mama sent the company a letter about my fine work. Those rings are not at all tough.
You are sooo cute and we love your jowls.
You are definitely handsome..
The crawl move is actually really easy. Mom just puts the treat in front of our noses just out of reach when we are in a down. She pushes on our backs as we try and get the treat.. See an easy crawl..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
G'day Mack
Wow Thunder ay, pretty powerful middle name mate. Much better than Tess' hee hee hers is Where...haa haa.
Handsome as all get out lol. We have that saying too.
Hugs and tail wags
Totally cool middle name. I hear you have polka dots on your tummy just like me. Does your mommy ever call you "Mackthunderbuttons?" I love ya. You're so cute.
xox Chef
Hey cutie Mack,
I just saw that all of you wewe in Cancun..shhhhhh! I won't tell youw pawents..the pictoowes on Lacie, Scruffy and babyStan's bloggie suwe awe gweat
smoochie kisses ..and get some west
Looking good, little man!
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