Monday, April 7, 2008

Guilty Monday treat #2

OMD it's Monday again.

We had so much fun this weekend we are not looking forward to Mom going back to work. At least we get a "guilty treat" :

Denta Stix for Lilly,

And smoked beef ribs for Paris and I.

**OH WAIT** I forgot. It's Pawty Time!! YIKES, Aire Ruby is gonna be here any second to take us to Asta's Welcome Home Pawty! REMEMBER: Don't tell you know who about her surprise birthday party! I gotta go! Aire Ruby is landing on my front lawn.....BYE!!!!!!!!!


Peanut said...

hope you bring those ribs to the pawty

Jessie, Jake and Lola said...

We won't say a thing - yummy.

Duke said...

Forget the boring Monday!!! It's time to PAWTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See you soon, Mack!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Martha said...

Those look so yummy! Love, Martha

Petra said...

If Aire Ruby is already at your house, she'll soon be at mine. See you soon!

Beanz said...

Mmmmm I'm drooling


Cairo The Boxer said...

Yum! I am ready to Pawty with you! Isn't Asta lucky! Her parents take her everywhere.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Have fun at your party....

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Moco said...

Bring those ribs with you. They will be a great treat.

BenTheRotti said...

Oh yummy, smoked beef ribs! they look droolsome!

Gotta convince Mum to get me some of those!!

Ben xxx

The Zoo Crew said...

you guys need to get your mama to buy some mini raw knuckle bones.....they're THE BEST!!!

lucy lu

Joe Stains said...

I sure hope you grabbed some of those treats as you ran out the door!!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
Those are great "guilty treats". They look delicious!
You can save them for later. We will have yummy italian food at the party!
See you there!
Kisses and hugs

i said...

Those look so yummy! Gee, how come I never get any guilty treats? Sigh...

Have fun at the pawty!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Those treats look pawsome. Are you bringing them to the pawty?

~ Girl girl

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

You got ribs?? That sure is a great treat.
Oh, and my mom had white "ladybugs" in our yard two years ago.....she thinks they were not ladybugs, but corn bugs from corn fields nearby, and they ate up and ravaged my mom's whole backyard of flowers!

Fenway said...

Hey Mack!

I only got to see you for a second at the Pawty. I was so busy herding the guests around that I barely got to snarf down some of the meatballs.

Anyway, today is the big OPENING DAY at Fenway Park. Can you believe they named a baseball stadium in my honor? I just updated my blog with all the important info about the game...check the right hand column.

Simba and Jazzi said...

What yummy looking treats. Have fun at the party.

Simba x

Hydrocephalus in Pets said...

Hope the party was super fun. Those treats look goood!

Anonymous said...

What awesome looking treats - I'm drooling about them now!!


Dexter said...

Precious Paris... at last we meet in the big apple.


Islay said...

Lucky lucky dogs! Yum, yum yum!

licks & slobbers

Noah the Airedale said...

Hiya Mack
We've seen you around heaps of blogs and thought it was time we came by to say hi.
Nice to meet you.

Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

ChaChi Lu said...

Smoked beef ribs? Woh! Those look amazing!

Jettie says "hi" to Paris and he hopes she knows that he thinks she is the most beautiful puppy in the world!

(Puke)...ChaChi Lu