Here are the rules:
(1.) Grab a book of 123 pages or more. ( 2.) Open to page 123. (3.) Find the first 5 sentences & write them down. (4.) Then invite 5 friends to do the same.
(1.) Grab a book of 123 pages or more. ( 2.) Open to page 123. (3.) Find the first 5 sentences & write them down. (4.) Then invite 5 friends to do the same.
"He tossed it on a square grill that had legs to hold it over the fire. 'Veloce, Veloce (fast, fast)' Angelo said, passionately explaining the secret to great Biestecca alla florentine. The key is high heat.Using local oak and a blower to stoke the coals, he claims he can achieve a temperature of 900 degrees F. Within minutes, the outside of the meat had seared to a golden brown crust."
It's from The Barbecue Bible By Steven Raichlen. My mom doesn't use this book near enough.
I tag anybody who hasn't played it already and wants to!
Nothing but the same old same old happening here. We did have a visit from cousin Katie this week:
We are always so excited to see her!
In other news, mom has this new torture device she uses on us sweet angel poochies when we "act up" (as if) :
Does anyone know the number to the SPCA??
That's all the news from Lake Wobegon. See you later, I'm tired!
Your cousin Katie looks like fun. Mom used to try to use one of the things on me but it didn't bother me so she quit.
That is a cat torture device! Oh, no!
Hi Mack. We've seen that page 123 thingy all over the place.. what's the point of it? Am I missing something here? Puleeeeeeese explain it to me!! Anyway, about the device. Mama's got one of those and has used it once or twice when I've been a real badass. Have you been bad, Mack? Go hide somewhere til she puts that thing away.
xoxo Chef
blogger just ate my comment, I bet it is that evil spray bottle's fault!!!
Hi my Mack...thank you for my award...you made me blush yet again! That torture device, yikes! Mom used that on me when I was a wee pup...I hated it...but you are tough!
Please give Cousin Katie a big lick for me the next time you see her. I like it when she visits me at my bloggie!!!!
Oh and you are soooo handsome when you sleep...I would just love to snug, snug, snuggle with you!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hi, Mack!
Congratulations on your award!
My mom is thinking about using one of those torture devices with me because I tend to bark at people who try to pet me on the street! I hope she forgets about it!
Have a good night
Hi Mack, hehe that's such a cute award! Congrats!
Hope you have chewed up that torture device by now.
The banana award is pawsome...
Hope you have a fun weekend Mack
~ Girl girl
Looks like you're getting the water torture. I am dialing social services right now!
Watcha doin with your leggies all frog style? You sure are limber.
I just catch the water spray in my mouth! Even when Mom puts vinegar in it.
Oh Mack. That's a really horrible picture of me. T_T YOU look adorable of course... As always.
~Cousin Katie
You're smooching right up to Cousin Kate, Mack, and you both look happy!
Do you sleep in that position often? I never lay on my tummy with my back legs spread apart like that, but Motch's cocker Sadie did it all the time.
Oh, I like that torture device coz I like water!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Mack that water torture thing looks like the stuff Nanny uses to eash the window I keeps licking. Use look so comfy sneeping I bet use would rather be snoozing with Ruby, right. Cool award
Hugs, bellyrubs,smoochies
Almost related
pee-ess I won't be blogging for a whole week so pwease don'ts forgets me
Hi Mack,
the pet adventure is gonna be in Deer Park. it would be wonderful if ya'll could come. You can e-mail the Mommy & she can tell ya all about it. me have never gone to the Pearland dog park but I would love to go sometimes. Tonight the Mommy is gonna give the stay away from bees lecture so me tnink she is gonna do a post on bees in a little bit. ya will understand why when ya read her post.
Interesting choice of books & if it's about bones, me all for it.
Lova lots...Mona
Hi Mack!
Congrats on the award! Oh no, sometimes mom and dad use that torture device on me too! Apparently it is not good to bark at the tv all the time...?
Love that last pic - that is one of my favourite ways to sleep!
Love Clover xo
Mack...the phone number is 1-800-MEAN-MOM! If it's busy it's because I'm trying to get through, too. I've had my eye on some beef hot dogs in the refrigerator and my Mom won't give them to me. Mean Mom.
xoxo - Bella
we have one of those torture devices in our house too......yikes!
the zoo crew
Chew up the bottle now, before its too late. I love it when new humans come to visit.
Simba x
We've never had one of those torture devices; instead she used to spray really icky stuff from a bottle on things if we chewed on them too much, but that was for when we were babies. It's like puppy repellent and oh boy does it taste terrible.
Hey I bet you could find some kind of agility around -- it's not just AKC that has all the fun. You could try searching for CPE,UKC,USDAA, and other agility-type orgs out there. I was surprised! Mom's going to let me try CPE and do another USDAA one this spring. I have some Boston friends that really go to town out there in agility! They're so cute.
(maybe Mom'll let me do the 123 this weekend)
Dad gets the hose out after the neighbors dogs when they run along the fence. I know better I go sit by Mom but that Louie he thinks the hose is a toy and drags it around squirting everyone. When will he ever learn..
PS. We did tell Baby Love hi for you...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Oooh, Mack.
My mom has one of those torture devices, too, and it makes me bark like mad! My breeder uses it on my mom and big brother. He needs it 'cause he's super barky and silly.
My mom stopped using that device and I've decided to go along with that decision and shape up a little more. Today I'm going to obedience training with Jane at The Dog Shop in Georgetown. Jane is really nice and I love walking with her, but she really commands respect. I call her G.I. Jane. After training I get sooo tired and I have to go home and sleep it off.
It's hard being a good border collie puppy!
The big red haired guy has one of those torture devices and he uses it when we bark. Don't you think he is pretty lame. We all know that we are sounding an alarm against evil.
Eeek! A torture device? Run Mack, Run! xx
it won't be a torture if u love water....some pups even play with water hose...
but i'm with u...i hate being spray...
Death to the evil squirt bottle!!!!
That 123 thing is cool!
Just wanted to let you know we told Ozzie hello for you today! He sure appreciates your concern for him. He can't wait to come home and we are really looking forward to having him here. Hopefully by Tuesday! It's just not the same without my little brother here.
Hiya Mack--
Fenway here....You asked about the Aussies. I learned that they are actually an American breed. Go figure that one out.
Anyway, they are the doggies with the really short stumpy tails and they are built differently. We border collies are more refined and lighter in bone I think. I really like Aussies, though. They herd, too, and are really terrific leapers.
That spray is irritating.. we have tried snapping at it before.
Boy n Baby
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