Today started out like any other day - I ate my breakkies at 6 am sharp, took a nice AB (after breakfast) nap, when all of a sudden dad picks my leash up and says let's go! I'm super pumped
cause I think we're going for walkies!!
THEN, we get into the car and I'm thinking oh boy ice cream time for Macky!!
And then we pass the Sonic. What's up with that? And then......we stop at the groomers! OH NO!
Yes, it's true. I had a bath today!
I found out Dad tells Mom I pooped on the carpet while he was off yesterday (tattletale!) and also that I was trying to chew on my butt. Well mom gets this idea in her head that my glands need expressing!
Soooooo, I survived my "ordeal" and even got this sexy neckerchief. Can you believe it stayed on me all day!??
Sniff sniff
I just went outside to chekkhk -
I khan't smell woo anymore!
My you look handsome....but you look handsome no matter what!
Lots of Licks, your Ruby
Ew, sorry. Cool kerchief though!
wags from the whippets
Did they hurt you, Mack?
Anyway we're worse off than you do,
Dad had master the skills of expressing those nasty glands & we're like going through it every weekend whenever we have our baths!
I hope you feel better now.
(and that the neckerchief if off the manly you already)
Rudolf + Goofy
P/S: We got the shades from PetEdge.
Hi, Mack!
That does not sound like a good way to start a day! The bath is fine but... the other thing.... ouch!
I hope everything is ok now!
Kisses and hugs
I'm so glad you suwvived youw tewwible owdeal..expwessing glands yuck....glad that's look vewy specially nice in youw kewchief...I was thwown in the tub today too..something about how filthy I got in the countwyside, hehe
smoochie kisses
It worths the trip Mack, you look sparkly clean.
Wait a minute, expressing the gland, haha, no pain no gain, buddy.
You look really great with the neckerchief, Mack!
thats a very nice neckerchief MAck !
That sounds awful matie. Glad you survived the ordeal.
I'm glad you lived to tell the tale. Humans are soooo cruel. lol
Simba x
You look splendid! Sorry about that whole butt squeezing, though.
oh the expressing of the glands, what fun. We don't have to have that done anymore as Mom supplements us with FIBER! You should ask for some, it comes in great forms like Pumpkin, berries, wheat germ, and um BEANS. OH YA BEANS!! toot toot!
Poor Mack!! What an ordeal!!! I hope you at least got lots of treats out of getting groomed. And your handkerchief is REALLY cute!!!
The Puppies
I'm very relieved you survived that ordeal, Mack, and you got a festive present in the end. You look very handsome in your new neckerchief, too!
I go out around 5:30 - 6 AM to do my morning duties, too. It looks like the middle of the night when it's that early, doesn't it?!
We are Bostons, we chew on our butts. When will our moms come to accept us for who we are and quit trying to turn us into sweet-smelling girly-men??
Murphy Dogg
Oh no that really is a disappointment. No ice cream..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Macky-poo (on the carpet),
I know you didn't like it, but I bet you smell a whole lot better now. And plus you look really handsome with your new handkerchief (although Ruby's right--you pretty much always do. =3)
~Cousin Katie
What great looking neckwear. You are one stylin' and proflin' dude. And you glands are doing good also.
I can't believe you were sent to the groomer's! But you got a nice neckerchief there.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi Mack
I loooove Thanksgiving naps..hope you got some too
smoochie kisses
Hi Mack!
I'm glad you survived your trip to the groomers! And you look awfully cute in your bandanna!
That's a nice neckerchief you got there. You look pawsome after grooming
~ Bae
wah they tricked you Mack! It's over now. I'm not sure which is worse, glands or bath. I hate both.
What a bummer that you got cheated out of ice cream, Mack!
We love your bandana!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Yep...Scruffy just had his first um "glandular" experience...all by himself all over Mumsie's new had never happened before so it seemed like the volume of the um expression was well GIRNORMOUS...G R O S S!!!!!
Oh my...that musta been a bad trippie at the groomers for ya Mack!!!
We are glad that you survived the horrible ordeal!
Boy n Baby
Mack, thanks for visiting my blog today, that was nice of you to take orders from Khyra! And it was FUN to have Stella Day.
Next time someone says to get ready to go someplace it would be good to ask a few questions FIRST!
Hee hee!! I would've been downright furious had my mama not stopped at sonic.....but that's because she always DOES stop; she's got some sort of sonic addiction going on!
My little sister, Echo, had her first 'bath' today....and now she looks just like snow again :)
That's not fun, Mack. You should have at least gotten some ice cream for all your humiliation!
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