Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tweet, tweet

Mom loves this video (but not the part where my big old bootay is right in front of the camera-sorry about that.)

She says I am making a nest. I do this EVERY night before I go to bed. A guy's gotta be comfy right?

And hey, look what we got in the mail today! It has PARIS' name on it. Mom says she can't open it till Saturday cause that's when she has her second birthday!

And it even smells like Stanislaw too! I just know she will love it.

And again I feel the need to apologize for my secretary/mom... she is not keeping up with my blog like she should, or visiting all my friendzees blogs. Shape up mom!


Hammer said...

Hi Mack
I'm sorry it has taken me so long to reply to your comment but my mum is very, very busy with important day to day life stuff so there is no time for my blog. We'll always be thinking of you though and you sure are a good looking dude. Did I tell you I sleep on the bed with my mum (and my brother Hobson). I love sleeping on the bed. Until I came to live with my mum, I spent my whole life sleeping outside in a kennel run and I didn't like this at all.
Take good care of yourself.
Love from Hammer

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Threaten to time out some of her favourite things!

As for the nesty thing - I do that when we head up to bed each night - I snoof it up good!

I bet Paris is getting SOOOOO excited!


Stanislaw said...

Dude. Mack. Nests are the greatest. I remake mine every single night.

Hooray for Paris! I can't wait for her to open her presents!

Gucci said...

I love kneading my beds hehe.

It seems like the season for busy hoomans. Hopefully that'll change soon coz I don't like sharing the laptop with her. >:[

G'luck getting your mom to shape up!


Fran said...

Hey are so handsome in the video....I think you should be a movie star!


PS...Weezie says hey!

Charlie Daniels said...

G'day Mack

I'm with you! I can snooze on the floor where ever I feel like it, but when it's time for proper sleep on My Lounge, I do the same as you! :-)



Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
I do that nest thing every night too!
Presents for Paris!
Kisses and hugs

Asta said...

I love the way you make youw bed befowe's pawfect..I can't wait to see you..I know you will pwobably help Ruby fly the plane tomowwow..see you at the pawty
smoochie kisses

Anonymous said...

butt shots aside, that is a very cute habit!

Lacy said...

w00f's Mack, Paris and Lily, heehee me not does that to much, but angel lacylulu always did...hmmm me wonders watt Paris goted..

b safe,

Myeo said...

You are making your nest comfy before you sleep. Baby does something like that too. She will dig n dig the ground before she lies down on it.

Boy n Baby

The Musketeers said...

Oh you're saying that the amount of picture can be like a jackpot or such ? BOL !

Lots of Love ,
Three Musketeers

Ferndoggle said...

Dude, you are a master nest maker! I do that too. It's pawesome to fling covers and blankets all over the place trying to find just the right spot.


Duke said...

I do the exact same thing, Mack, only my bed is on the floor and I'm rearranging my blankie! It makes mom nuts because by the end of the winter, I've worn a hole right through my blankie! We gotta have everything just so, right?!

Love ya lots,

Clover said...

Hi Mack!
I love making a nest before going to bed! But I usually spend a good 5 minutes digging. :)
Love Clover xo

Moco said...

Dawson makes his bed like that also. Round and round until he is dizzy.

Petra said...

I make a nest with no blanket to scruff up, Mack. How weird am I?

Ruby Bleu said...

I could always look at you boo-tay!!!! I do the same thing...Mom says I'm making a next!!!

Lots of Licks, your Ruby

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

I think nest making is essential for good sleep!!! Can't wait to see you at the party!!!

Joe Stains said...

Tanner does this every night too! I am NOT comparing you to a doofus tho, I promise.

Anonymous said...


Y'know, your nest making is absolutely ridiculous. In fact, it's so ridiculous that it's ridiculous.

Tell your mom to give you a buncha kisses for me! And be sure to be nice to Paris and Lilly.

~Cousin Katie

The Devil Dog said...

Hi Mack. I do that too. I think maybe we all do. It's nice to be comfy cozy in a nice warm blanket.


Maeby said...

Nice nest! Sometimes I'm too lazy to do all that, so I just plop on the floor! But I may need to start moving those blankets around,that looked comfy!!

p.s. mom says thanks for the birthday wish! apparently you wished my mom happy birthday on Frannycakes' blog a while back.

Simba and Jazzi said...

Happy Halloween. Have a great weekend.

Simba x

The Musketeers said...

Happy Howloween Handsome boy !

Love & Hugs ,
Three Musketeers

Amber-Mae said...

Faith does that too every night. I hope it was nice & pawfect for you. That's a big pressie! I bet Paris can't wait to dig it open.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Emily and Ike said...

Sometimes when I make a nest, I pee a little. Makes the old moms mad!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We can't wait to see what is in the package.. Hurry up Paris. Happy early birthday...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Chips said...

You need to get your secretary to hold your blanket up so you can climb underneath it. That is the best!

Murphy Dogg said...

Hey Mack,
I do the same thing with my blankets and pillows. My sleeping area must be Murphified perfectly. So you just keep on Mackifying your bed too.
Murphy Dogg

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hey Mackie and girls,

Happy Halloween. Sorry we haven't been around much but my secretary is so busy all the time but thats not a good excuse for not stopping by to say hello.

Next Saturday we are going to be volunteering at the Woof Fest in Clear Lake where a lot of the rescue groups are gonna be but I was hopinf that since it;a much cooler now maybe we could met up at the dog park in Pearland one Saturday or Sunday soon. Do you think you can talk your my into it.

Love ya Mona

Bella the Boxer said...

Dude, nest-making is an ART! You've got the technique down to a pat. I especially like the final head flop. I do that, too.

xoxo - Bella

Dexter said...

Gotta get it just right for your Mackiness to get a good sleep.
