Sunday, October 16, 2011

An Only Child .....For a Day

Hola! Tia Lilly here. I have to tell you about what a wonderful fantastic day yesterday was. Mack and Paris went to the spa and I had my mom to myself for the whole day! (Well till 2 PM anyway).
It was totally awesome! First up Mom let me help her with her lunch:
I was happy to help moma!
Whoaa--that is a huge piece of cheese -- but I can handle it though.
I got a whole eighth of a hard boiled egg white. A whole eighth!!

Even the birdy was enjoying the other doggies being gone!!

Mom and I took a nap after lunch, then after that I protected her from the evil people who came to clean the A/C.

2 O'clock came pretty fast. But just making fun of Paris' new haircut made it all better!
She went and hid under the covers!!!!

But Mack didn't change much....
He's still the messiest mess ever !

PS: Feliz Cumpleanos Mamma!


Beanz said...

cool day. Wish I could eat an egg...

Paris and Mack - looking good!

feliz compleanos to your human :)

Scooter said...

Wow, what fun day! Foodables and peep time...that's pawesome. Neat birdy!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Finn said...

That's awesome that you got alone time! I love that you got to sneak a piece of cheese too - very awesome!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

WOW!!! You had HER and HER Foods All to yourself.. AND made fun of Paris Rain... all in ONE DAY. You had better write that day down on your calendar!!!! What FUN.

Duke said...

We're so glad you got to be an only child for a few hours, Lilly! Your cheese chunk looks delicious!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Always fun to have some time with Mom alone, Lilly - andit looks lik eyou made out quite well on the food end of things. Eggs and cheese - two of our favorites.

Oh poor Paris, where are your curls? You look so very nice and neat though and the curls will all grow back. Mack, you look as handsome as ever, don't let anypup call you a mess.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Great! sometimes being the only dog is just soooooo much fun! And lunch as well. What a fantastic day.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Two French Bulldogs said...

Happee Birthday to momma.. you sure had a secial day
Benny & Lily

White Dog Blog said...

Well, Lilly, seems like you had a perfect day! Great times with mom AND yumy eats! Paris and Mack look very gentrified with their new 'dos but I bet the spa DIDN'T serve hard boiled eggs or cheese!

Cocorue said...

it's nice to have mumster's FULL attention for awhile.....something i've missed since that leeeetle one came along


Unknown said...

mine love when they have me all to themselves for a day :) Mack you are soo cute!

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

It's always fun, when you get one on one time with the pawrents!! Glad you got to enjoy your day!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a fun day you had with your mom, Lilly! That CHEESE looked super yummy-licious! And a whole EIGHTH of an egg? Wow...I bet you were stuffed to the brim.

I think Mack and Paris look lovely. Er...I mean Mack looks manly and Paris looks lovely. (Sorry abouts that, Mack.)

Wiggles & Wags,

The Oceanside Animals said...

It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it.

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

That sounds like wonderful fun and I'm glad you got some only child time!!

P.S. Don't forget to stop by our blog THIS week and enter the "name game" contest I'm hosting, for my newest guide dog puppy - it only takes a few seconds to do... and you may end up being the winner!

Asta said...

Tha sounds like a vewy cool day being alone wif youw Mom and the biwdy, but I'm glad Pawis and Mack came home..Pawsonally, I think Mack is wondewful and not a mess at all and Pawis' haiw is sooo much bettew than my Mommi's..just sayin
smoochie kisses

White Dog Blog said...

May your Thanksgiving Day be bountifully filled with laughter, friendship, warm memories, and love. The White Dog Army.

Josie said...

What a fun day! Lilly you are so darling! Hope you are enjoying the holidays! Love, Josie

Josie said...

Is everybody okay? Just worried cuz you haven't posted in a while. Hope all is well! Love, Josie

Unknown said...

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All the pictures are just awesome thanks for sharing and just keep up the good work.

Unknown said...

You look so very nice and neat though and the curls will all grow back. Mack, you look as handsome as ever, don't let anypup call you a mess.Challenge coins

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Keep on keeping on, we're following you

World of Animals, Inc said...

Tia Lilly, you must have had a wonderful time until 2pm with your home. The lunch looks delicious and we love Paris's new haircut. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful week.
World of Animals

Telkom University said...

What did Tia Lilly receive as a treat during lunch? Telkom University