No, actually our word today is a great big THANKS !!
First to Miss Barbara (who is under the weather today - get well Ms B).
Mom arrived home from work and look what she found:
Can you guess what it is:?????
Hint: Homemade T R E A T S Thanks again Barbara for all the deliciousness that is gonna be produced in our kitchen! More on this later!!
Secondly, We would like to say THANKS to our great friends over at the White Dog Army for awarding us this:

We so don't deserve it - but we accept it!!!
And the reason my mom/secretary has been so very lax on updating my bloggy:
Her new camera! She can't get it to work "right"!
Will you please forgive us and not forget us?????
You know you have "all my sugars",
Ain't Miss B da sa-weetest?!?!?! I so sad hers sick.
Mack, we could nevers furgets ya'll but please tell your mom to shake a leg and get on withs it.
Aww, love the picture!
We hope Miss B is feeling better real soon, I know my raiser hates being sick.
New cameras are often tricky! She'll get the hang of it soon! Hope you enjoy all those YUMMY treats!
We are NOT gonna furget you... butt we WILL miss you!!
Grrreat Treat score!! Super Award!!
Congrats on your award AND that special package. Our one word would be YUMMERS!!! We hope you get to have some good treats soon.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Wow an awawd AND tweats!!!!
You hit the jackpot today!
congwatoolations and enjoy evewy mowsel
smoochie kisses
Of course you deserve the award! Congratulations!
Homemade treats!!!!!!!! That's the best kind of parcel to get.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Awww, thanks for the sugars! I forgive you and I PROMISE I could never, ever forget you. Especially if you send me some of those treats you're gonna make. Or Paris' bone.
Wiggles & Wags,
Paris shared with you eventually, right, Mack? She does have two of them, ya know!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
You all got shares in the treats, right? RIGHT???
Homemade treats are the best!
How about this - we won't forget you if you won't forget us. We're still working on getting our cable situation fixed. Right now, we get to visit a few friends and it all goes down way before we're finished, which is why we never get to everyone.
I can sure relate to da new camera thing. My mom is still tryin' to figure hers out! Sugars right back at ya too!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Yumilicious treats!
That is a happy luck wednesday!
Congratulations on your Award!
Mack... give your mom a paw with that camera, ok?
I want to see you again... soon!
Kisses and hugs
Forget you? Never! Give mom time to get the new camera going and we will all enjoy the crisp new photos of your adventures!
P.S. You SO DO deserve the award! You put the "ish" in Stylish!
w00fs, yummmmmy treats...congrats on your award...heehee mama still not fixed the date on our camera, and she had it a longgg time..
b safe,
OOOH you got it! Let me know how it works!
Hello Mackers!
Of course we not forget yous!
Even 'dose 'dere is pho-toes of Paris.. hu hu's..
Momma can never figure out her camera either..
Congrats on yous award!!
Anakin Man
Mmm homemade cookies.. Yummy
congrads on your award..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
We would never forget you!
Nubbin wiggles,
We are looking forward to that 70 degrees too.. Maybe a lake trip?
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Happy Valentine's Day! May your hearts be filled with love and joy!
A whole box of treats? Is you kidding? Lucky yous!
~lickies, Ludo
We are trying to visit some and blog some. Looks like a couple weeks til they come out to fix us up with fios ethers, and TV.
Missed all of y'all and Scooter says hola to his most good friend Lilee. Geez-ok here he comes. hugs from sunny
hay.hay miz lillee! ok an ok can u beleef i kin acshully tawk too u?? soonerest i duz hopeses to beez abelses tu cum ofer too seeses u!! ok anok godda go
What great presents!
We could never forget you, don't worry.
Nubbin wiggles,
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