Would you just look at this mess. I don't know what is weirder: mom thinking Paris can wear a size medium sock, or a 20 pound cocky spaniel with feets this big--

Mom thought Paris might benefit from wearing some socks to help with her itchy feet. But why on earth she thought she could EVER fit into Medium size footwear is beyond me. So we're having a give-a-way. The first blogger to want these sockers just email our mom at kullerd(at)cmaaccess(dot)com with your address, ok???! And she'll send em on over. They will definitely fit a medium size doggie's feet nice and snuggly, but just make sure your medium size dog has medium size feet!
And here's a couple of pics of me being precious:
Awwww...you ARE precious, Mack!
I think those socks are real cute but I can promise you that we are NOT going to be emailing you to try to win 'em. Nope.
Oh! Speaking of the itchies, me and my mom read this article the other day and thought your mom might be interested in it: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2011/01/20/petscol012011.DTL
Wiggles & Wags,
Ummm, we refuse to let the Momster see this post - no point in letting her get ANY ideas of socks for us. Wish we had a suggestion for Paris.
And you being precious - great job, now let's see even more of them.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Her feety feets are just taking after the example woo set!
OoH Mack, I agrees wif Mayzie!! :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Cute socks. I hope they help ease the itchy toes...
Paris sure have big feets!
My mom says she'd love those beautiful socks for me... but I am not so sure I'd like to wear them!
I hope your mom finds a good remedy to stop the itches!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Every photo of you is adorable, Mack! Your sister's feet are not big, maybe her body just hasn't finished growing into them...imagine that!
kids got big feets. Do they stink?
Benny & Lily
Her feet even look as big as Miss M's feet, who is probably 5x's her size!
Wow, those feetsies are biggies. The socks are cute too!
Our feets are too big! We just have short legs.
Mack you are precious.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Dude all those cockers seem to have huge feet. I think Paris's might be as big as mine. Nice socks for a girl.
Never mind Paris, big feets help you balance better.
~lickies, Ludo
Mommy says 'da we's has little rabbits feetsies...
butt Anakin Man has Mastiff foots..
butt him don't wears pinks.. hee hee
Cute pho-toes..
Our Momma buys clothes for us's too small too. 'den Daddy says we's watermelons... 'da nerves
Oh, yeah, you are totally looking precious! Hope Paris' itchies are better! That's nice of your Mom to give away the sockies. Hope they find the perfect feetsies.
The Road Dogs
Mack! Come to my blog!! YOU WON!
Paris -
Please let Mack know that cocker spaniels store their awesomeness in their feet. And seeing as though we have a LOT of SUPER CRAZY awesomeness, we need big feet.
End of story.
first: we MOST CERTAINLY do NOT want those socks! geesh. how GIRLY! ;)
second, i forgot to also note (and this was just recent that i noticed this) that when i did NOT add olive oil to Loki's dinner, he scratches a little more... but when i do, it stops. so even tho the fish oil helps lots, it seems the vitamin E in the olive oil is really helpful too... you can give vitamin E capsuls (the liquid kind) or just olive oil. just a wee bit, on some food.
itchy paws definitely tho shows an allergy of some sort. what a pain for you guys. the itchies stink!
Those pictures are soo cute - and I think those socks would look adorable on a dog!
Rudy's Raiser
Very nice socks for dogs i think also need socks...
So your sissy has big feet. I have long legs. We all have something that makes us look funny; that's what makes us special. I like your ears, personally!
Hope you can join us at All Things Dog Blog for a Super Dog Sunday Blog Hop on 2/6. Read more here: http://www.allthingsdogblog.com/2011/01/why-join-in-super-dog-sunday-blog-hop.html
don't think either of us could tolerate socks. Lucky no one is making you wear them Mack!
Too bad the socks doesn't fit...Anyway the lucky blogger who will claim it will surely be a lucky one and a lucky dog as well...I love the pictures anyway...^_^
dog pens
Paris is so cute!
Bowsers, socks for dogs. We are happy we don't have any.
Essex & Deacon
You know, sizes can lie, even in human clothes -- even in human socks, in fact, says the man with size 14 feet who discovered early on that a "large" sock was not, in fact, very large at all...
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