Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Story of Me

Lilliana here! Thanks so much for all the nice comments! And yes I am 17 years old. But I didn't go to live with my peeps till I was 10! See my madre had just come back home after living in Oklahoma for 4 years. She wasn't working so her and cuzzin Katie were volunteering at the local SPCA. She saw me and the rest is history....almost. Mom called up the Chihuahua rescue group and then offered to foster me until I found my furrever home. Perspective Lilly parents would ask, "is she good with kids"?...Mom said NO..."Is she good with cats?"....NO...."Is she quiet?"...NO..."Is she healthy?".....NO..(I was heartworm positive at the time). You get the picture. So mom kept on fostering me...and saying NO! I was treated for my heartwormies and kennel cough and I got stronger. Well nobody has asked about me since and mom said what the heck, she's mine now!! Not much is really known about my earlier life except I used to live in an apartment complex and kept running away. Well one day my peeps never did come for me.....and here I stay!

I hope everybody has a wonderful, relaxing, blessed Thanksgiving Day. And here's your first turkey for today:

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Dexter said...

That is one turkey I will not mess with, thank you very much.

Miss Lilly found the right home for sure. Gosh she is ancient, huh? Still spunky, though.


3 doxies said...

Hehehehe...another foster failure. What can I say, it was meant to be. But, I am still amazed at bein' 17years old and still feisty...gotta love it!

Happy Thnaksgiving!


booahboo said...

Glad you are finally at your forever home. You are 17? wow! You don't look a day 17... you still looking like a puppy :) Thanks for sharing your story with us.

Happy Thanksgiving Mackie!

booahboo said...

ops! sorry.. you are Lilly! Happy Thanksgiving Lilly :)

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

17? I never would have guessed it. You still have your blonde good looks! I'm so glad that you found the right forever home. I guess you kept running away to find them?

I hope you and your whole family have just the best Thanksgiving ever!

lotsa licks, Lola

pee s: My captcha word is "vital". Seems like a good omen, doesn't it?

Maggie Mae and Max said...

You is still beootifuls too!

Happy Thanksgiving Everybodys!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Zona said...

I'm still amazed at how gorgeous and fiesty you are at 17! I love it!!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Those Elgin Pugs said...

Tanks for sharing yous story..butt we's not sure yous 17!! hee hees

Tell us's 'da secret!!
Wait.. a nice loving home~~

Happy Tanksgiving and Hugs to you all~
IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Git him GIRLS!!!

Thanks fur sharing The Lily Story!

Isn't it nice to be HOME?

Happy Thanksgiving!


Josie said...

I LOVE your story, Lilly! I'm so happy that you're with your furever family and are still a spicy Tex-Mex girl at 17!!! Have the bestest Thanksgiving ever! Love, Josie

Duke said...

That's an incredible story, Lilly! It seems like you've always been a spunky senior! Good for you!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Ellen Whyte said...

Hooray for Miss Lillie! What a nice girl she is.

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Miss Lilly,

What a gorgeous girl you still are to be 17 years old. I never would have though it. Mommy loved the video.

Hope you, Mack and Paris got some turkey!!

{{{huggies}}}...Monna & the Mommy too!!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Lilly you are a hot number for 17
Happee Thanksgiving
Benny ( & Lily)

Pepsi Bum said...

I can't believe you're 17! It's somewhat impossible!

Incredible foster failure story, Lilly!


K9 Katastrophie said...

Hi Lilly! I am so glad you have your forever home!


Barbara said...

Thank goodness for foster failures!!!

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh my, Lily, how wonderful to turn 17. Good for you!!! You are very lucky to have found such an awesome home with a great fur sissie and bro!!!
Happy belated birthday from the Leuradales!

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

White Dog Blog said...

Thanks for sharing the Lilly story. It was obviously all were meant to be together! And we are SO glad! Hope you had a very Happy Thanksgiving, my friends.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lilly! I'm just NOW getting around to reading your story. Can you believes it? Anyway, I luved it. And I think you were very wise to keep running away from that old place you lived so that you could end up in your Most Pawfect Home That Ever Was!

Wiggles & Wags,

PeeS. You're a pawfect example of why dad won't let mom do the fostering thing.

Roni said...

That is pretty amazing. I just hope my rabbits can also last that long or longer. According to my reading rabbits only last for 12 years max and such a pain to think that you have that short deal. Anyway, that is also one reason why I always fill their rabbit hutches with lots of treats to make them live their lives fun all the time.