Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I Need Your Opinion

...on my nose.

Mom says the pink thingy on top of my nose looks like an upside down clown. I don't know. Do you see anything besides a cute splotch??

And look at this. Her T-shirt says "Daddy's Under My Spell"

This is so ridiculous it's ridiculous.
She sure got the witch part right though!


3 doxies said...

Has dat spot always been theres?
I thinks da shirt is....ummm...cute...don't hold dat against me though...hehehe!


Anonymous said...

i see nothing but cuteness...

Ellen Whyte said...

We've said it before: you have a cute nose!

Lorenza said...

Hmmm.... I am not so sure I see and upside down clown on your nose... but... that pink thingy is sooooo cute!
I love Lilly's t-shirt!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

Well, firstly, I luvs Lilly's shirt! I most definitely need to get one for myself!

And secondly abouts your nosie...well, um, I think your momma might need to puts down the sauce. Yep...BBQ sauce can make a pawson hallucinate for sure.

Wiggles & Wags,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Huh? what pink spot? Just kidding, we don't see any clown, but the spot is cute.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh man...what next! We thought the spot was Italy
Benny & Lily

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I think your sisFurs might say it is 6-6-6

I just see khuteness ;-)


Anonymous said...

If I tilt my head to the right, it's Porky Pig with a chef's hat on! Really!!

Kitty+Coco said...

We thinks it is a snail with a big shell creeping forward. Yep. Something Coco would eat in a heartbeat.
Ok ok, gotta admit that your sis's shirt is kind of cute (for a witch). Ha.

Kitty and Coco

Two Pitties in the City said...

Not sure if I see the clown, but maybe a bat?

the booker man said...

well, mack, i kinda think your pink thingie looks like a dancin' piggie! heehee!
i'm stayin' out of the discussion about miss lilly's shirt. it's not a good idea to get a lady upset, especially when it's your sis!!

the booker man

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

I think I see the clown, althugh it could be some of the other things suggested, too. I think it's like look at shapes in clouds. People see different things. Just be glad it's not a religious symbol or icon or you'd have newspapers and people trying to get you to bless them and all kinds of stuff going on that would seriously interfere with naptime.

lotsa licks, Lola

Emma Rose said...

You know what that pink spot means? It means you are intelligent, sophisticated, and classy! :) (I have one too!)

Emma Rose

White Dog Blog said...

No clown, looks more like Milard Filmore! (only kidding). Lilli is quite the Witchy Woman! Happy Peace Day!

Duke said...

Lilli is probably right about your dad!
We don't see anything on your nose but cuteness, Mack!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

I stood on my head to look at that picture and am still puzzled and, frankly, a bit disturbed by your mom's assessment. As for Miss Thing's shirt, well, I think you said it all.


Unknown said...

Nothing but cuteness in regards to the nose Mack!

I love the shirt - that rocks!

Fred and Hay

Autumn and Jasmine the Maltese said...

Dear friends,

You looks cute with that cute little pink spot so no worries bout that.

btw, do drop by to our page when u free as we had pawsome holiday to share ^_^

Autumn & Jasmine

Asta said...

ummm. Mack,
I think it might be a sideways pixie, but honestly it 's just a special pink spot that says "apply kisses hewe"
smoochie kisses

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Hello's 'deres Mackers!!!

'dat is not a clowns!! Me's seen clowns befores in me's own house... hu hu's.. matter of facts.. me's staring at two of 'dem right nows..
(me sisters)
and 'dey 'prolly be wearing shirts likes 'dat too!!!

Yous snooter looks fine to me pal..
We's need a Jam session soon!!!

Later Fleetwoods Mack!!
Anakin Man

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Just a cute Woofie nose.. Hugs GJ xx

Zona said...

Hmmm.. I don't see a clown but I can kinda see the piggy! I know for sures that it's cute no matter what it looks like!!


Maggie Mae and Max said...


I luvs your nose but I don't see a clown. I likes da shirt too!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Hailey said...

Teee heee! I LOVE Lily's shirt on you!!! Its really cutsey!!! But ummm...... I'mnot sure I see the clown upside down or rightside up? However, I might see an umbrelly!!!! A pink umbrelly!! It's cutie!!!!

Hugs & smoochies! XOXO

Beanz said...

Yeah, I see a smiling pig on a tightrope! Or a sunbathing fox.


Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

umm, just cuteness here!
Maybe your Mom's just got Halloween fever!!
~lickies, Ludo

Kirby, CGC said...

Hi Mack,
Found your blog through the blog hop. Me and my mom think you have an adorable nose. We agree with the Pitties, we think it looks like a bat!

Although I'm not a fan of dog apparel (even though my mom still tries) I do like the shirt and if I found one that said, my mom's under my spell, I would wear it, because it is so true!

Like your blog dude!


Pets and their people said...

Don't see a clown, but love the pink spot, very cute. We came over from the Blog hop and are following you

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We love your spot Mack..
We think maybe she is just sucking up trying to get more treats with that shirt...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie


Clown, what clown? We do see a very cute nose though. We think your Mom has been drinking from the dog bowl.

Essex & Deacn