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Finally Friday
We do love Fridays around here. Well mom does anyway.
Bye mom; have a great day at work.
Yes! 8 hours of total mayhem Bwaaahaaa
What the ........? Where did this come from?
I can't believe mom would say that about Lilly & Paris!
How shocking Mack! I'm taken aback too.
My Mom is pretty happy it's Friday, too. She had Monday off, but she says it never feels like a short week by the time you get to Friday. Yippee for the weekend!
lotsa licks, Lola
No way dat sign is 'bout you Mack...not possible! ;)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
I am Shocked... Shocked I say... I am sure it is a MISTAKE.
Do I smell brimstone?
w00fs, heehee mama likes that sign, she needs one fur jodee..
b safe,
That sign must be a prank from the neighborhood squirrels. 8 HOURS of mayhem??? Yeah, you better put a stop to the spy cam. Hehe..
There must be some mistake!
Have a great weekend :)
Emma Rose
hehe that's a funny sign you're momma's got there!!!
I didn't think woo were from THAT part of Texas!
Bwhahahahaha..oh dat some good stuffs there Mack. I would be kinda offended if I was you BUT, I sees it directed to da sisters so it's all okays.
Oh I can't let my mum see dat sign, her put one around my neck
Hahahahaha! We think that sign in hilarious - we could use that at our house for some of the residents! Have fun while your mom is gone and have a great weekend!!
'dis be an outrage Mack!!
okays.. 'dats it!! 'da Josie tinks yous should change 'da locks on 'da door... order all 'da pay-per-view movies yous can fit in 8 hour time span.. Ummm... oh's got QVC... yep.. order yous up some stuffs.. charge it!! Umm... do some callin overseas.. run up 'da phone bill...
Oh's and 'da Josie personal favorite... pee on yous blankies!!!
Yep!! 'dat teach um!!
Oh's.. butt I's nice little sweet innocent Josie Puggie 'da has balloon tied around hers wrist wits lolly pop in 'da other hand wits bow on tops of my Josie head...
'dese are just suggestions of course...
well, 'da pee pees 'da Josie may have done!!!
'da Josie
And what can they possibly do to have that label?
I am sure that sign refers only to Lily and Paris!
Kisses and hugs
SHE thinks we need a sign like that! She wants to get a sign that reads 'Yes, they bite'. Not that we do, just to keep people away!
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Mack, I don't thiink mom was talking about any of you...I think she meant: Caution Pets from Hell--My Angel Pups Will Whip Your Butts!
I believe that sign is spot on. But of course she needs to add a notation that excepts the BT from that characterization.
LOL great sign, and I'm sure it has nothing to do with you. I mean, you just protect your home right?
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Have to admit I love the sign LOL.
Our Chief is no better than your momma ... :P So you're not alone!
Licks and wags
THe Dog WOods Pack
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