Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Award! And One I Made Up!

Thank you Miss Hailey!! You are such a great pal!!

Here's da rules:

Enjoy writing your "10" item's about you; list your 15 furiends and happy posting!1. Please thank the dog who gave this award to you and link to them.2. Name 10 (yes 10) things about yourself. Try to be as creative as possible.3. Pass this special award onto 15 doggie bloggers. It doesn't matter whether they are old or new. I believe all furends deserve this and can't be denied just because you have known them for a while or not.4. Comment on the new receivers of this award's blog to let them know of the love. 5. And the most important: HAVE FUN!!!

OK - 10 things which you may not know about the Mackman:

1. I am an escape artist! Mom is constantly worrying about me "running away" Heehee
2. I SO bad want to sample eggs and weiners.
3. I don't like to go out and do bidness when it rains.
4. When Paris and I first met we hated each other.
5. I secretly want a tattoo of Ruby's name. I want to incorporate my belly spots to spell it out.
6. I LOVE my gwandma and show her by nipping her hands when she comes over.
7. My mom will leave the Food Network or the Weather Channel on TV when she goes back to work after lunch
8. I am a Daddy's boy and will cuddle with Dad before I cuddle with mom.
9. I was in a band once, Bubba McBeans and the Beans Brothers. My mom Emily (May she rest in peace) was the singer and Lilly was the bass player. I was on keyboards.
10. Mom's nicknames for me are ^&%$% and ^&*%$. I can't repeat Dad's.

I would like to pass this distinguished award to:

Ares - A Fellow BT
Miss M - A prim and proper pittie
Josie - a cute puggy girl
Quinn - who needs some extra healing sugars for his ouchie
Phantom - who is also on the mend
Edgar - The newest member of the Peppy Sheppy pack
Lorenza - The Mexican Beauty
Ike - The SBD Master
Peanut - A handsome boxer dude
Lola - Every day is Pei Day over at her place!
Tucker - Big Boy Extraordinaire
Juno &
Loki - The two newest residents of Switzerland
Maggie & Mitch - Two super awesome Airedales.

Drum roll please...............

Introducing the one and only Dead Cow Parts award - Made by none other then Moi!


The recipient of this award means more to me than all the dead cow part noms out there. And boy, that is a whole lot!

I would love to pass it on to:

JD & Max - True heroes.
Asta - My furriend from NY
Beans - My English buddy
Frankie - My new dachshund friend (with TWO wives!)
GingerJasper - My Kitteh friend across the pond
JrBaby & Orion - More kittehs!!
Katie - Who reminds me sooo much of my Emily.
Ben & Lily - Two fabulous Frenchies
PeeWee - Not so little labradude
Kitty - The cutie. But not a kitteh
Khyra & her cuz Merdie Two beautiful gals who are terrific bloggers
Calliegirl - A true red-head
Mayzie - My newest friend

The rules of passing this on are: THERE AIN'T NONE!!
So if you would like to pass it on please do, if not well that's good too!

Okay that is my longest post ever. Time for naps!


Dexter said...

MACK! You gave PeeWee the cow parts award? What about ME? Boo hoo.

Hey! My momma and Master call me the same fun nicknames as you. I guess we are twinners. I like to run away if a door or gate is left open. It feels great but freaks momma out.

You are one happening little dude.


Those Elgin Pugs said...

Hey Fleetwood Mack!!! Tank yous for 'da distinguished doggie bloggie award!!

'da Josie be lookin' for her glues right now to sticks it ups to her 'puters!!

IzZY and Anakin's gonna be's all Jello's.. hee hees. It's all Mine mine mine!!

Hey Congrats on yours and kool stuffs I's learned bout yous!! Anakin may ask yous to be in his bands! He's always breafin' down my Josie shoulder bumps when I's read 'da bloggys.

Yous other awards Kool toos!! Very creatives!! Yous funny!!

Okays.. I's wits yous!!

Josie go and sleep now..

'da Josie.. who-else

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Oh, thank you, Mack! I have to do an award post real quick! It was so nice of you to think of us.

lotsa licks, Lola

Zeus said...

Thank you, Mack! Ares was super-stoked! He's never won an award before. We'll be posting our doggie blogger awards tomorrow at around noon. Look for it then!

Thanks again, buddy! :)

Two Pitties in the City said...

That cow parts award was really clever. And we are so happy that you thought of Miss M for the award. She was happy to know she was considered prim and proper, even though she's currently sprawled across the floor showing her lady bits.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...



Woo like us - woo really really like us!!!!!

Khousin Merdie and I are speechless -

As fur your winning award, KHONGRATS!

Those are some furry pawesome fakhts - #1 makes me wonder if woo are really a SH and not a BT!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Congrats on your award, Mack, and thanks for sharing it with us. Phantom is especially grateful. And what a cool award you created and you selected some wonderful recipients.

Happy napping - you worked very hard and earned that snooze time.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

White Dog Blog said...

What a busy day! You deserve a nap...and the special award! Thanks for sharing with Quinn, he is thinking about his list of 10 things about himself and trying not to be too embarrassed about his shaved spots...we will post his list later in the week. You are so generous, my friend!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

MACK My Man !!! You made my day complete!!! I super super LOVE the Dead Cow Parts Award. The best pawt is that there are NO RULES... just my Kind of Rule!!
It is grrrreat and very very creative!!! Perfect Award!
for giving it
to Me!!!

the booker man said...

gratsers on your doggie bloggie award! you and my big sis asa are like two peas in a pod...well, except she's like 20 lbs bigger and is brown 'n white instead of black 'n white...but anywho...you are two peas in a pod cuz she hates goin' pee in the rain, too!
i totally dig the award you made, too! it gave me the giggles! heehee.
the booker man

Ellen Whyte said...

Love the Dead Cow Parts Award!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Did some buddy mention cow parts. Hmmm may be tasty. Congrats on your award and thank you for passing it on to us
Benny & Lily

Noah the Airedale said...

Wow good effort Mack mate.
You are one popular boy. Two awards...crikey, that's awesome.
Congrats Mr Popular!!

Noah Willow Tess Lucy
ps. we didnt know you were an escape artist. My sissies arent bad either.

Noah x

Duke said...

Congratulations on your award and thank you for passing it onto us, Mack! You have some very interesting nicknames!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Beanz said...

omd Mack! I am so exciting I tried to eat my award. Hmm it looks better than it actually tastes :P

Thank you so much!


Unknown said...

Hi there - we came across your blog and wanted to say Hi!!! We are your newest follower!

Fred and Haylie

The Oceanside Animals said...

Congratulations on your award, Mack! And I think we should do a cover of the old Hole song "Doll Parts" for your "Cow Parts" award.

♬ I am ... cow parts.
Cow skin, cow hearts.
Yeah, dogs really want you, they really want you, they really do ... ♬

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Congrad's on your awards..
Yepper those cats have ginsu knives..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

3 doxies said...

Ahhhhhh, Mack I just loves these awards. I likes your list...I haves them same nicknames too...go figure!
I so loves your awardie you made up too. I thinks dat is a brilliant idea.You is a funny one!


Tucker said...

Tank you for the award! I thinks I will post my 10 favorite foodables....

woof - Tucker

JD and Max said...

Hi Mack,

FH admitted to us that she was REALLY bored in a meeting at work the other day so she was discreetly browsing blogs on her smart phone. When she saw the photo of you soooo cute and and tired and yawning she nearly gave herself away as she just wanted to 'squeeeee!' in delight! She said that it's taught her that there's a time and a place for looking at blogs, he he he!!

Thank you SO much for this award - we're blown away by it. Gosh, we're not sure if we could even say our humans mean more to us than dead cow parts, so we realise how wonderful this award is, thank you SO much!

Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

Kitty+Coco said...

Wowee, Dead Cow Parts Award! Now I really can insist mom buy me some since we have a fur-real award and all. Thanks Mack. Gosh, you are making us yawn as we see you yawn. Don't you hate that?


Lorenza said...

Congratulations on your Award, Mack!
And thanks for giving it to me!
A tattoo?? Sounds pawesome!
Interesting nicknames!
And your own Award is great too!
Kisses and hugs

Emily and Ike said...

I nip fingers when I'm excited to see someone too. I think it's a Boston thing.

Emily and Ike said...

When Meg was alive, she would jump up and bite the end of your nose.

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

What a pawsome award you made and congrats on yours!
Hope you three is doing well and living life to the Mack! hehehe
~lickies, Ludo

Shiloh's Space said...

Cow parts award??? Now that's original BOL

Asta said...

I'm totally speechless
that is the nicest awawd I've gottten..honest..it means the wowld to me to get it fwom you..congwatulations on youw othew awawd! I love weading about you..I suwe wish I had a CD of youw band playing ow bettew yet, a vide
smoochie kisses fow a wel desewved nap

Anonymous said...

Hi Mack! Gosh, it's good to be back!

Congratulations on your awardie. I don't like to do my bidness in the rain either. And that other awardie...um, excuse me for a second...whew! okay...sorry, I kinda gots choked up there for a bit. I mean, I know how much you luvs dead cow parts (don't we all?) and for you to gives me that awardie. Well, that's one of the nicest things anybody ever did for me. Oh, gosh. I gots to go blow my nose now.

Wiggles and Wags,

Anonymous said...

mac man: i thought i saw this a while ago and commented... but i don't see my comment... so i guess i'm a bad bloggie friend. dude. thanks for the award. i'm sorry i didn't live up to it. I stink as L&J's blog typist. they need to fire me.