Or is it Boston Butt-napped?? I don't know! All's I can say is I am so worried about my new baby. Paris Rain here. You see my sweetest bloggy friends eveh, Quinn & Siku Marie played storky and gave me a new baby! The other day, after I changed Chloe's diaper, we were both settling down to a well deserved nap (Who knew baby fl'amos woke up every 2 hours??).

Anyway after a couple or so hours, I woke up only to find baby was missing!
But that's not the worst part!! Look at these pics I found on Mack's I-phone:
OH MY DOG! He stole Chloe while we were sleeping!!! And even Tia Lilly seems to be in on it! What is this cat eat cat world coming too??
And this next pic just breaks my heart!!
He's trying to get her to nurse!! It won't work you big lug! She only eats a special flamingo pablum.
!!QUICK -- somebody get me the number to Interpol!!
Oh what a knucklehead. Hope the baby flamingo doesn't turn black and white like the "lug" being that she is stuck under there. BOL you are hysterical
Benny & Lily
Just WAIT 'til Joey and Doofus see THIS one!
Oh no! This is just AWFUL! How could Mack flamingonap your baby Chloe like that - we hope that you are able to get her back soon! At least the good news is that he is being nice to her (well, mostly!)
Oh dear, oh dear! This is Most Distressing! I'm very sorry abouts the flamingo-napping. (And no, I didn't know baby flamingos woke up every two hours.) Maybe you could work out some sort of joint custody or something?
Wiggles & Wags,
Don't get mad...get even...
Gets yous Chloe backs...yeah yeah..nicey nice to Mack head case..
Den... when he least expects it...
draw on his face in he sleep!! Or worst yet... paint his finger nails!!!! Hee Hees...
We's has brother too!! Shhhh...
We's innocent little Puggies...
IzZY and Josie
Only a Boston could try to do THAT!!! Too funny - thanks for a great laugh.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Is he holding Chloe for ransom?!!!
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Poor Mack wants to be just like YOU, Paris Rain! You should be flattered...but still demand that he return Chloe!
We can't believe Mack would do such an underhanded thing, Paris! We always thought he was such an outstanding citizen!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Oh my! I can't believe that Mack would do that but he did and you has the pictures to proves it. I thinks he has some esplaining to do.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Chill, Miss Thing. Mack RULES! All toys belong to him.
Hehehe, I love this post! Great fun.
Big Pupi here.
I also love my stuffies. My vet says I groom them like they are my puppies (I have been known to tote them with me on trips and walkies). I've learned that if you beat the poobles out of your sibling they will refrain from taking your fav stuffies. You should try it. It's all about R-E-S-P-E-CT for the stuffy babies.
I hope this story has a good end!
Let us know, ok?
Kisses and hugs
As long as you're not planting any in your front yard....
rut-roh...i think mack is in troooouble!!
the booker man
What a cute post...
WE are really tired of this heat too..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hehehe. Want us to rescue baby for you?
The Dog WOods Pack
Paris you are an odd flamingo. haha I was going to say odd duck but flamingo worked better. hahahaha
At fiwst I was vewy scawed fow youw baby mingo, but then I wealized Mack just wanted to give him some of his wondewful sugaws..(Mommi got some fwom him and was vewy gwateful)
smoochie kisses
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