Ok, 7 (not TOO revealing) things. Here goes:
1. I am engaged to the most beautiful Boston lady ever!
2. I am secretly a momma's boy (But don't tell anyone)
3. I hate my kiddie pool
4. I like to give my mom cuddles on Sunday (only)
5. I like to cuddle with dad on the couch at night (only because I'm waiting for him to move so I can get my bed back)
6. My favorite human food is cheese.
7. My 'rents have said I look like a rabbit, bulldog, shark, and pot-bellied pig (NOT funny dad!)
If you haven't played this yet, consider yourself tagged.
Thanks again, Katie!
Last week, we were reading on one of our favorite bloggies, Two Pitties in the City, about Kongs and how they are great for giving to your dog while they are crated. We told mom about it and look what she did:

She froze 'em and the next day we were happy to go in our crates:

Then another night, my peeps had this for dindins:

(Can you see I helped my mom clean the corn?)

Thank you City Pitties for opening up a whole new delicious world!
Khongrats on the award!
Katie is khwite the great furiend!
How khool woo enjoyed your Kong snakhks - some humans find it is better to use an organikh PB in them - some of the other kinds break down the Kongs ovFUR time -
Love the khorn dekhoration!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: Have woo seen the Handsome Linus over at http://kwing-dogeared.blogspot.com/
You are so lucky! You all get lots of nummys in the crate.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
& Linus
Congrad's on your award..
Now Mom says she is hungry. Have to see what she can find in the cold box..
Another HOT one here. Hope you are all staying cool... Wisconsin was not nearly this HOT....
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi, Mack!
Kongs! Kongs! Kongs!
I love mine too!
PB in my kong is a treat I enjoy every sunday... I discovered that my mom gives it to me at their lunch time... that way I don't beg for their food! Hmmm....
Happy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs
How great you were able to try it too! The Kongs are the highlight of Miss M's morning and she will stare at me, watching me get ready, and any little move I make she thinks it's time to run into her crate for a Kong. We also started taking them to keep the pooches occupied at the outdoor dining restaurants.
How NOMMY Mack...We hope your humans keep up the good work!
Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Bilbo and Jacob
sure is some cool stuff you got there. You didn't want to come out of jail or were you just protesting?
Benny & Lily
Congrats on your award, Mack. We love our kongs and we have them in the crate too. We get pb and yogurt in ours - yummers.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Holy crap! You guys are eating better than we are! Can we please come over?
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Those treats like good. Why are you in crates? Are you preparing for a trip?
Congwatulations on youw awawd!!!
It doesn't sound bad in the least to be in youw pwivate den eating soopew yummie foodables, heheh
hope you get lots mowe
smoochie kisses
wow that's a long time to be in your crates! But frozen kongs help! I love frozen kongs!!! Yummy!!
Congrats on the award and on snagging those pawsome goodies!!!
~lickies, Ludo
Congrats on your award!
The kongs look very tasty! :)
Yepper Mack we slept really well while being on the farm.. Mom said we were such good dogs...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Those Kong filled dealies look good, but Mom wants the steak please! Corn silk on your butt Mack!
Congrats on your award!
We are gonna be major busy. Mom already is feeling guilty for being on the puter instead of workin!
Sunny,Scooter (hayhayhay*waves*ok anok miz lily. how iz u? mom duz sez acuz of us hafin to pack an finderer a plas to go, i hafta wates tu du mi bigerest flight. ok anok godda go
Hey my Handsome husband to be!
I would love to snuggle with you in your little jail...'specially if there are good snackies!
Lots of Licks, your Ruby
You eat very well don't you? Is that a hair transplant on your back? ;)
You are so lucky to get such yummy food in the crate! I don't sigh...
Congrats on your award! Psst...a very belated thank you posted on our blog for the award you gave us hee...LS is very unreliable nowadays.
Mack-man the pot-bellied pig?
Did your lady know that nickname and wonder why, Mack?
Hahahahaha, sorry, I can't help it!
hey Mack,
we cannot return to blogging yet but wanted to stop by to thank you for your support over grandpa's passing
chikisses from us
YUMMM! I hated my kiddie pool too, water is dumb.
Yummy that all looks so good that maybe I should ask my humans to start crating me! My cousins Buddy and Daisy and now their new adopted sis Sugar all get special treats in their crates too. I kind like being free to protect the house from all harm that might think about coming to it. Tee hee hee...
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