Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Taggypoo & Award

We were tagged by Mack & Mia! Here are the rules:

Go to your first photo folder, find the 10th picture, post that photo and explain the story behind it. Then, tag five blogs to do the same.

Here Paris & I are enjoying a nice day out on our patio. Don't I look handsome? Paris just looks like she needs a haircut!

Okay - we tag:

Lovebirds Mona & Tiger,

Our BT friend Tito,

Our Aussie friend Noah, and

Queen Emma Rose

And we were also given an award!

From our luvabull, kissabull, huggabull friends, The Houston Pittie Pack!
Thank you so much guys - we really love reading your bloggy everyday! And now I pass it on to: everybody at DWB 'cause you are all our friends furrever!

And mom wanted to say she is real sorry she hasn't been around to everybody's bloggy as much as she'd like to - something about being "overworked and underpaid and tired as all get out". I really don't know what her problem is (other than of course laziness). But anyhowl, we love you guys and hope you don't forget about us!

Mack, Paris, Lilly & Mom


Dexter said...

That is a super extra handsome photo of your small self. As for Paris, oh well, what can you do?


Ruby Bleu said...

VERY handsome photo my love...and Paris ALWAYS looks like she needs her hairs cut - BOL!!!!

I've missed you, but my Mom is in the same boat right now :( One day she'll get back to regular blogging!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Mack and Mia said...

Oh Mack! You look so dapper! It must be because your name is Mack. We are such good looking pooches!

Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia

kissa-bull said...

oh we have misshed you so but we'll wait patiently until you return to regualr blogging
until then thanks for the pic so we can shee your face full of handshumness and paris too of course
pibble sugars and wee wags
the pittie pack
we shent you something shpecial in the snail mail hope you enjoy it soon

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I love sibling love!



Duke said...

What a great picture of you, Mack! Paris doesn't look happy that she has to stand next to you. What's that all about?
Congratulations on your award!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Ellen Whyte said...

I love that pink bit on the top of your nose Mack, and Paris looks like a model with that Big Hair thang...

We're back online but at a new space: http://blog.lepak.com. See you soon.

Joe Stains said...

pawesome photo!! You look handsome as always!

Josie said...

Mackie, You look super handsome!!! Hi Paris! Hi Lilly!!!!! When my Mum wins the lottery, she'll give you guys some millions and then your Mum can quit work! Won't that be sweet?? Love, Josie

Two French Bulldogs said...

very cute picture
Benny & Lily

Lorenza said...

Great picture handsome Mack and beautiful Paris!
Congratulations on your award!
Kisses and hugs

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello mack its dennis the vizsla dog hay kyoot pikcher!!! but why is paris glowering at yoo wot did yoo say to her??? ok bye

Moco said...

Any picture of you and Paris is worth looking at.

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh dear...is Paris being a cranky pants hehe.
Thanks for tagging us buddy. We'll get onto that.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Amber-Mae said...

Hey guys!!!!

Love licks & Hugs,
Solid Gold Dancer

Brind'Amour Clumbers said...

Nice piccy! I just played too!


Tee said...

You're very handsome indeed. Paris looks a wee bit scowl-y in that photo. What did you do? ;)

Licks and wags

The Dog Woods Pack